Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 17, 2021
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2   September 17, 2021  Commentary  DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa  DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa  news                           September 17, 2021    3           
 It’s okay to ask for help  9/11, from Page 1  														  steps forward, we will remember them,”

                                               he said.
            During the  ceremony, North Las
                                                  Morgan noted that we closed the chap-
          Vegas Deputy Fire Chief Gary Stover
          recalled the “heavy burden” the New   ter on Afghanistan 11 days ago.
                                                  “Challenges will continue to test, but
          York Fire Department faced. He and 12   not deter our resolve. But because of
 by Tech. Sgt. Victor J. Caputo  going to mental health was an instant  my issues and develop the mental tools   I temporarily received a  medical   others traveled 2,500 miles to New York   you, we were and will remain the world’s
 Hurlburt Field, Fla.  career killer, and impressionable little  to counter negative thoughts.  code on my records that prevented me   City to offer whatever help was needed.
 Airman 1st Class Caputo figured that   Everything seemed to be on the up-  from receiving PCS orders or applying   greatest military. When asked, we will al-
 When I was a bright-eyed, young  must be based in fact.  swing and I could finally focus on my  for a base of preference. One particular   Although their assistance wasn’t needed   ways be ready, and our nation’s men and
 public affairs Airman eight or nine   Fast forward several years.  career again, but I insisted on being  medication emotionally numbed me to   at Ground Zero, the team supported the   women will never die in vain,” he added.
 years ago, one of the first stories I was   I’m sitting in my car in my office  stubborn and ignored my therapist’s  the point I couldn’t even enjoy playing   Fire Department of New York by attend-  To respectfully recognize the memo-
 tasked with writing was about the base  parking lot trying to come up with  advice to try an antidepressant. No  with my dog.  ing funerals to respect those who lost   ries of the people killed Sept. 11, 2001,
 mental health clinic.  a reason to not leave base and drive  matter what I did or how positively I   Once I found the one that worked   their lives.  and the days following, along with the
 One of the technicians I interviewed  head-on into an 18-wheeler, ending it  tried to approach my life, I was still  for me, though, all the struggle, all   “I cannot tell you how many funerals   7,000 service members who died fighting
 kind of hesitantly asked me why I was  all. Luckily for me, I was able to get a  miserable. After much discussion with  the doubt, every little barrier became   I attended that week, but it was at least   the Global War on Terror, the ceremony
 bothering writing a story about them,  hold of a close friend who talked me  people close to me, I decided to trust  worth it. I am a more complete person   one a day,” he said. “I spent many hours   concluded with a traditional firefighter’s
 but I didn’t understand him.  down.  my therapist and try an antidepres-  now than I ever have been in my life.  sitting alongside the FDNY members   Ringing of the Bell Ceremony followed
 “Why wouldn’t we do a story about   That one suicidal ideation made me  sant.  The combination of therapy, guided   who lost someone special or in some   by bagpipes playing Amazing Grace and
 you guys?” I said.  realize my career wouldn’t matter if   I will probably see that decision as  inward reflection and proper medica-  cases their entire fire station. It was a sur-  a wreath laying.
 “Well, nobody likes going to men-  I was dead. Even if all of the rumors  the turning point in my life. The wool  tion has opened up an entire spectrum   real moment in time for me personally,   Then, Taps was played as a missing
 tal health,” the technician replied.  were true, I would rather see the men-  was removed from my eyes, and I felt  of emotion that I didn’t know existed.   to really feel the magnitude of what had   man formation assembled by a pair of
 “People would rather go untreated  tal health clinic and separate from  like a real person for maybe the first  Using those  emotions and under-  just happened.”  F-16’s and F-15’s flying over the base as a
 than come here.”  the Air Force than just stop existing,  time ever.  standing how other people feel them   Command Chief Master Sergeant   final aerial salute to the fallen.  Air Force photographs by Airman 1st Class Josey Blades
 That single comment really im-  so I made an appointment and began   Of course, that first medication had  has made me not only a better, more   Alex Morgan III, 99th Air Base Wing   “Today, we honor those who have   Staff Sgt. Jordan Cui, 99th Civil Engineer
 pacted me.  therapy for some time.  some serious side effects, like making  complete person but also a more com-  command chief, said the 2,977 people   served before us, give praise to those   Squadron fire department firefighter,
 I started to pay attention to what   The therapy made an immediate  me sleep more than 12 hours a day. It  petent, confident noncommissioned   who lost their lives, including 445 first   who currently serve with us and share   rings the ceremonial bell during the 9/11
 other people said about seeing mental  and significant positive impact in my  took several months of trying differ-  officer, someone who can actually   responders who selflessly sacrificed   our traditions to those who will take our   remembrance ceremony at Nellis Air Force
 health and was shocked at how many  life. I’ve seen two different therapists  ent medications, and I won’t lie: it was  connect with their troops.  themselves saving countless others, were   places and serve in the future. We are   Base, Nev., Sept. 10, 2021. The tradition of
 Airmen shared that mindset. A lot of  through my time and both have genu-  really difficult and did briefly affect   												  the first casualties in the Global War on   first responders, and we will continue to   ringing the ceremonial bell spans more
 the people I talked to really thought  inely helped me understand myself,  parts of my career.  See hElp, on Page 8  Terror.  strengthen the core of our existence and   than 200 years when firefighters would
            “They answered their call to duty   to serve humbly each and every day,”   ring the bell to signal the beginning of
          without hesitation, and then that call   said Rabonza.                     the day’s shift.
 great leaders build teams, inspire others  was passed on. Our military was asked                          LEFT: Col. Trent
          to respond, to defend our nation, our
          institutions and our way of life,” he said.
            Morgan shared his memories as an                                                               T a te,  9 9 t h
                                                                                                           Medical Group
 by Col. Michael Blowers  workforce into future leaders. Without a  consider things such as executive coach-  • Lastly, know when to ask questions.   explosive ordnance disposal technician   com m ander,
          and weapons intelligence team leader in
                                                                                                           carries a wreath
 Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio  strong workforce and solid foundation, your  ing, conferences and workshops. Investing  You wouldn’t be the person you are today   Iraq and Afghanistan and the stories of
 unit can quickly crumble.  in your team is a win-win for everyone.  if you didn’t make a few mistakes along   during the 9/11
 We’ve all probably heard the old adage:   To be an all-star mentor and foster lead-  Airmen are able to improve and expand  the way.  two service members who were killed   remembrance
 There’s no “I” in team.  ership within your workplace, you need to:  their skills, and your unit becomes more   You aren’t always going to have all the   — Marine Staff Sgt. David Lyons and   ceremony at   Tony Rabonza, 99th Civil Engineer fire
 A good leader follows it, but a great leader  (1) listen to your Airmen, (2) check in with  knowledgeable as a whole.  answers — and that’s OK. Part of fostering   Gunnery Sgt. Chris Eastman.  Nellis Air Force   department chief, is interviewed by media
 will get the entire team into this mentality  them on a regular basis, (3) allow Airmen to   • Fourth, offer consistent and construc-  leadership is admitting when you don’t   “Chris, Dave and the thousands of   Base, Nev., Sept.   after the ceremony at Nellis Air Force Base,
 and build them up by fostering leadership  learn from their mistakes and (4) delegate  tive feedback. If you want to grow Airmen  have the answer and seeking help when   others will never be forgotten. Even as   10, 2021.   Nev., Sept. 10, 2021.
 in the workplace. Every Airman is truly an  tasks to foster growth.  into leaders, you have to not only provide  you need it.  the years pass and our next generation
 asset to the team and brings value by work-  • Second, recognize accomplishments.  consistent feedback, but also constructive   Don’t know the answer? Ask your team.
 ing together.  If you want to lead a productive team and  feedback.  You don’t have to know it all to be a great
 If you want to get your unit on track for  grow your Airmen into leaders, you have   Being a leader and mentor also means  leader.
 success and help mold future leaders, you  to show them you care and appreciate  receiving constructive feedback from your   You have a huge wealth of information
 have to build your team up to its full poten-  their accomplishments. If you’re not tak-  team. As a mentor and leader with the goal  in your Airmen, so don’t let it go untapped.
 tial. To encourage leadership in the work-  ing the time to recognize Airmen for their  of creating prospective leaders, you should  When seeking help from your team, you
 place and become the best role model you  hard work, there’s no better time than the  set aside time to meet with your team regu-  benefit by getting the answers you need
 can be for your team, follow these six tips:  present.  larly and share feedback both ways.  and learning something new. Plus, it gives
 • First, be a mentor. We’ve all had some-  • Third, invest in your team. You can’t   • Fifth, build a positive work environ-  Airmen the opportunity to showcase their
 one we looked up to. Regardless of who your  expect your team members to grow into  ment. For a workplace to be successful, it  knowledge and skills.
 role model was, they all have one thing in  leaders if you don’t invest the time and  needs to be open, trusting and fun. Positive   In closing, I leave you with this leader-
 common: They helped you grow into the  energy into them in the first place. If you  workplaces can improve productivity and  ship quote from Simon Sinek: “The true
 person you are today and led you in the  want to unleash your team’s full potential,  morale, as well as give Airmen a workplace  value of a leader is not measured by the
 right direction.  you have to invest in them.  where they can shine, feel at home and share  work they do, but by the work they inspire
 Mentoring Airmen helps build your   To help Airmen expand their skill sets,  innovative ideas.  others to do.”

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 Stuart Ibberson, Editor  the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff   The U.S. flag is raised as an Airman salutes while the national anthem is played
 Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout  members strive for accurac y each week .   during at the 9/11 remembrance ceremony at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Sept. 10,
 Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales  Air Force.  purchaser, user or patron.  If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert
 The appearance of advertising in this publication,   The deadline for submissions to Desert   Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail    2021. Two fire trucks assigned to the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron fire department   A pair of F-15’s and F-16’s aircrafts perform a missing man formation over the 9/11 remembrance
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