Page 20 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 11-13-15
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Desert Wings                                                                                                                                                                November 13, 2015
Trim the
 Family                                                                                                                                            Give a little

   Tree                                                                                                                                            TENDERNESS®

    in matching                                                                                                                                       Save 76% on Omaha Steaks
   Premium PJs

                                                                                      Happy Family Celebration                                                              Perfect Gifts

                                                                                      2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons                                                           GUARANTEED
                                                                                      2 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins
                                                                                      2 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops                                   PLUS, 4 more
                                                                                      4 Boneless Chicken Breasts (1 lb. pkg.)
                                                                                      4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers                                Burgers
                                                                                      4 (3 oz.) Gourmet Jumbo Franks
                                                                                      16 oz. pkg. Omaha Steakhouse® Fries                           FREE!
                                                                                      4 Caramel Apple Tartlets
                                                                                      Omaha Steaks Seasoning Packet                                Limit 2 pkgs. at this price. Your 4 free burgers will be sent to each
                                                                                                                                                   address that includes the Happy Family Celebration 47222. Limit of
                                                                                      47222STZ | Reg. $209.91                                      1 free box of 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers per shipment. Standard
                                                                                                                                                   S&H will be added per address. Not valid with other offers. Expires
                                                                                      49Now Only $ 99                                              12/31/15. ©2015 OCG | 510B120 | Omaha Steaks, Inc.

                       FREE Call 1.800.254.2857                                       1-800-795-3314 ask for 47222STZ
                       Gift Packaging !  or visit     
                                                                         to order.

                       YARD SALE OF MOST EPIC PROPORTIONS !!!


    Please share and spread the word! I have picked up several really good storage units at auction recently. Most everything from my last yard

    sale is gone, so this is a whole new batch of good stuff! Enough to fill four 10x20 storage units! Here is a preview of what will be available...

Furniture: including dining sets, dressers, matching sofa and lovseat, bed frames,

vanities, jewelry cabinets, entertainment centers, desks, tv stands, coffee and

end tables, bookcases, and more!

Vintage, antiques and collectibles!: Projector screen, lamps, dolls, antique chairs,

silverplate, old newspapers and magazines, and more. China and crystal (including

some Princess House). Lots of books!: Some recent, including textbooks, but a

lot of older books, including 1970s romance novels, etc.

Lots of baby and kids clothes: very nice adult clothes, shoes and purses. Even

some nice leather jackets! Lots of kids toys, large and small. Kid’s bicycles. Plus

tons of nice stuffed animals, toddler toys, etc.

Kitchen: Lots of very nice bakeware, dinnerware, glassware, china, small kitchen

appliances, and more!                                                                                                                              ‘	ÑĊą

Tools and hardware! Power tools and hand tools. Plus garden tools and exercise

equipment. Electronics- Stereos, DVD and VHS players, TVs (including two flat

screen), boxes of various electrical cords- audio, video and instrument.

Costume jewelry: Lots of earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc. Lots of          Nice vanity - $80
watches. Boxes of silk flowers, ribbon and craft stuff! Plus a lot of holiday         About 32W x 16D.
decorations. A lot of very nice blankets and linens. Ceramic dolls, wicker, knick

knacks, candles, candle holders and much, much more. Lots of DVDs (including a

lot of UFC videos), CDs, and some very nice framed art. Nice framed mirrors.          Ave K

A LOT of very nice misc stuff! Way too much to list! Everything will be offered                                                     20th St. West

at tremendously reduced prices! It’s too much too pack up, so come early for                        Blooming
fantastic blowout deals!                                                                        Park

           Fri. - Sat., November 13th-14th : 7am- 4pm                                 25th St. West
                  ććĊć’|†Iχ                                       Ave K-8                                                         }	LÑĊČĊ
                                                                                                                                                   Solid hardwood. Marble top. Beveled glass.
                                                                                            Ave K-9                                                Lighted. Measures about 60W x 21D x 42T

                                                                                      X                                                              (49” tall to top of decorative iron back.

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