Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2021
P. 6

6      March 2021                                                News                                               

   F-15EX completes first flight

         by Senior master Sgt.          preparing for F-15EX; while this will be
          JeNNiFeR ShiRAR               a challenging time, we know that we’ve
                                        got a fantastic community supporting
              173rd Fighter Wing
                                        us and an outstanding team here at the
     kiNGSLeY FieLD, ore. — The first   173rd Fighter Wing.”
   F-15EX completed its initial flight in St.
   Louis Feb. 2. The fighter jet took off and
   landed from St. Louis Lambert Interna-
   tional Airport, Missouri.
     It was announced in August 2020 that
   the 173rd Fighter Wing will begin tran-
   sitioning as the F-15EX formal training
   unit in 2024.
     “Being selected as the F-15EX formal
   training unit is an outstanding mission
   for the 173rd Fighter Wing,” said Col.
   Jeff Edwards, 173rd FW commander.
   “Kingsley (Field  Air National Guard
   Base) is simply an outstanding place
   to train pilots. The community support
   is just incredible, and we have some of
   the best training airspace anywhere. We
   have a culture of fighter training — we
   have been in the training business for
   over three decades, in the F-4 (Phantom),
   F-16 (Fighting Falcon), F-15C (Eagle),
   and now soon to be F-15EX.”
     The latest iteration of the F-15 Eagle
   Mission Design Series, the F-15EX
   features an increased payload capacity,
   fly-by-wire controls, a digital cockpit,
   modernized sensors, radars and elec-
   tronic warfare capabilities.
     Edwards notes the long service life
   of the F-15EX airframe — 20,000 flight
   hours. “That’s a long time, about double                                                                             Photos Courtesy of Boeing/Eric Shindelbower
   the service the life of an F-15C,” Edwards                                                                The first U.S. Air Force F-15EX fighter aircraft
   said. “Not only is the airframe designed                                                                  took its maiden flight Feb. 2, in St. Louis. The
   to last for a long time, the F-15EX also                                                                  173rd Fighter Wing is scheduled to become
   has an ‘open mission system’ which al-                                                                    the F-15EX Fighter Training Unit in 2024.
   lows the computer and avionics software
   to be more adaptable and more easily
   updated in the future. This adaptability
   is key, as we know that technology is   That team is led by Lt. Col. Nick Huet,   F-22 Raptor and F-15C instructor pilot.  in the same cadet squadron at the Air
   continuing to accelerate.”           173rd FW F-15EX conversion officer. “Ul-  “I  work with  designated representa-  Force academy,” Edwards said. “It’s awe-
     When asked about what it was  like   timately, it’s very rewarding to have the   tives from all groups within the wing   some to see him flying the F-15EX and
   watching the first F-15EX flight, Ed-  opportunity to work on behalf of our wing   and together we navigate the conversion   being on the leading edge of the future
   wards says he was very impressed. “Of   to help secure a long-lasting mission for   process,” Huet said. “As the first base to   of the Eagle.”
   course, I’m a big fan of the Eagle, so it’s   Kingsley (Field ANGB) and all the folks   receive the F-15EX, our conversion will   Two F-15EX fighters should be deliv-
   not difficult for me to get excited about   that call this base home,” Huet said.  set the standard for all bases to follow —   ered to Eglin Air Force Base, Florida by
   seeing the first F-15EX flight! Seeing   “Lt. Col. Huet is an outstanding plan-  my game plan is for Kingsley to establish   the end of the first quarter of 2021. Eight
   the F-15EX fly for the first time really   ner, strategic thinker, and instructor   a bed down model that no other wing will   pre-production aircraft were ordered in
   left me thinking: ‘Wow! We are going to   pilot,” Edwards said. “As we transition   be able to match!”          July 2020, to allow the military and the
   be flying that jet soon at Kingsley (Field   to the F-15EX, it was important to select   During the first F-15EX flight, the   manufacturer to test and fully define
   ANGB), and it’s going to be awesome!’”  an officer who had a vision for where we   aircraft was piloted by Matt Giese, Boe-  their applications. The Air Force plans to
     Edwards adds that there is a lot to   needed to go to be ready for F-15EX — Lt.   ing F-15 chief test pilot, who checked the   eventually acquire at least 144 F-15EX
   do as the unit prepares to accept the F-  Col. Huet has that vision.”      avionics, advanced systems and software.  fighters.
   15EX aircraft in 2024. “We will be in a   Prior to this position, Huet has held   Proving again that the “eagle drivers’’   “The F-15EX will secure the future of
   transition period over the next several   many roles including director of operations,   come from a small community, Edwards   Kingsley (Field ANGB) for many more
   years as we train F-15C pilots while also   U.S. Air Force Weapons School graduate,    and Giese go way back. “Matt and I were   years,” Edwards added.

   PrEVAiLED                           (from Page 3)  Non-Commissioned officer of the Year: Tech. Sgt.   Field Grade officer of the Year: Maj. Alexander
                                                     John Howe, 944th Maintenance Squadron             Esson, 944th Operations Group, Detachment 2
   were presented bronze eagle awards by their leadership.  Senior NCo of the Year: Senior Master Sgt. James   Junior Civilian of the Year: Mr. Dale Haretuku, 924th
     Despite the restrictions on large gatherings and hav-  Pumarejo, 924th Maintenance Squadron       Maintenance Squadron
   ing to adjust time-honored traditions to mitigate the   First Sergeant of the Year: Senior Master Sgt.   Senior Civilian of the Year: Ms. Nicole Martens,
   spread of illness, the members of the 944th FW came   Michael Kuehler, 944th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron  414th Fighter Group
   through with resilience. Virtual cheers and celebration   instructor Weapon Systems officer of the Year: Lt.   At the end of the ceremony the 944th FW Command
   of the 944th FW team spanned the continental United   Col. Eric Ostendorf, 307th Fighter Squadron   Chief expressed her excitement for this coming year.
   States as the wing’s top performers were recognized.  instructor Pilot of the Year: Maj. Joshua Jones, 944th   “This was a great group of candidates and a phenomenal
     The winners are:                                Operations Group, Detachment 2                    selection of winners,” said Chief Master Sgt. Catherine
   Airman of the Year: Staff Sgt. Kristy Riley, 924th   Company Grade officer of the Year: Capt. Danielle   Buchanan, 944 FW command chief. “If we had this level of
   Fighter Group                                     Clark, 944th Aeromedical Staging Squadron         excellence in 2020, I can’t imagine what 2021 has in store.”
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