Page 8 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, January 2021
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8                                                           January 2021                                   Desert Lightning News                               Desert Lightning News                                         January 2021                                                                     9
                 Davis-Monthan reMeMbers                                                                                                                                                                                Chaplain’s thoughts ...

                                           306th RQS                                                              Davis-Monthan has                                    Coming home whole                               trouble reconciling this sort of thing just means that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       you’re human, and the part of you that understands
                                           honors               Doolittle Raid — a look back                      fighter squadron with                                            By Chaplain (Capt.)                 purpose and meaning in the world might be hurting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a little bit. That’s the part that Air Force doctrine
                                           MOH PJ’s                                                                                                                                 PHiliP StEwArt                     defines as the spiritual part of you, and that’s why the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Chapel team is raising awareness. Dealing with trou-
                                           sacrifice                                                              its own tank                                                         355th Wing Chapel               bles in deployment transition is normal, human, and
                                                                                                                                                                        In the Air Force, we deploy. That means going and   something we can all carry together. It’s something
                                                                                                                                                                       getting the mission done, away from our families,   that can happen to family members as well as those
                                                                                                                                                                       friends, and loved ones, but serving our country and   who deploy, and we can all look out for each other and
                                                                                                                                                                       making sure that the people we love are safe. It can   carry each other’s burdens in our community.
                                                                                                                                                                       be tough to be away, and sometimes, it can be tough   The other new thing is that we want to recognize
   Members of the 306th                                                                                                                                                coming home.                                    is that when Airmen deploy, we make a difference.
   Rescue Squadron at Davis-                                                                                                                                            The Air Force, as a whole, has realized that some-  It’s not just something we have to do in the mili-
   Monthan Air Force Base                                                                                                                                              times people struggle, and not all of the things we   tary, it’s something that changes people’s lives, both
   pull a skedco rescue litter,                                                                                                                                        carry home with us are things you can see. Dealing   downrange and at home.  That’s something worth
   as part of a Monster Mash                                                                                                                                           with coming back from deployment and situations   recognizing, and celebrating, because the fact that
   memorial workout for Air-                                                                                                                                           downrange can mean dealing with the invisible things   someone goes downrange means that they helped
   man 1st Class William H.                                                                                                                                            we carry — the wounds we have to our sense of how   make a better future.
   Pitsenbarger. Pitsenbarger                                                                                                                                          the world works — and how to make these experiences   We have started giving out a Chapel coin to each
   is the career field’s only                                                                                                                                          a part of our story.                            member who goes through reintegration in recogni-
   Medal of Honor recipient.                                                                                                                                            Sometimes coming back from deployment is hard,   tion of the difference they have made. In part, it’s
   The 306th Rescue Squad-                                                                           Courtesy photo                                                    and sometimes it’s hard on your Wingmen. We can   to remind each person they have done something
   ron’s mission is to rescue                                Airmen of the U.S. Army Air Forces, led by Lt. Col. James                                                 get shaken up, and even months after coming home,   worthwhile. When they look at that coin on their
   isolated personnel or equip-                              H. (Jimmy) Doolittle, carried the Battle of the Pacific to                     Courtesy photo             struggles with what we’ve been through on deploy-  desk, we want them to remember it. Also, that same
   ment ... anytime, anywhere.                               the heart of the Japanese empire on April 18, 1942, with a   If you’ve been around the Air Force, in      ment can rear their heads. The DMAFB Chapel team   coin has the phone number for every helping agency                        Airman William T. Turnbull
                                                             surprising and daring raid on military targets at Tokyo, Yo-  and out of different flying squadrons,      has started a new way of talking about these things   at the 355th Wing — so if they look at that coin when   A 355th Wing Chaplain coin sits on a desk at Davis-
   RIGHT: Members of the 306th                               kohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, and Kobe. This heroic attack   you’ve seen a variety of war trophies and        in post-deployment reintegration briefings — and the   they’re struggling with something, they have the   Monthan Air Force Base, Nov. 25, 2020. The 355th
   Rescue Squadron throw                                     against these major cities was the result of coordination   hardware as part of a squadron’s history      way we talk about deployments.                  resources right there.                          Wing chaplains present these coins to all redeployers
   20-pound slam balls against                               between the Army Air Forces and the U.S. Navy, which car-  and décor. But how many times have you          The first thing we’re doing differently is talking   Airmen make a difference in what they do — and   at Davis-Monthan in recognition of their contributions
   the ground and swing sledge                               ried the 16 North American B-25 medium bombers aboard   seen a T-72 Main Battle Tank parked out-          about this sense of “how things should work in the   we all, as Airmen, want to make sure we make a dif-  to the mission and community and so Airmen contact
   hammers into large tires, as                              the carrier USS Hornet to within take-off distance of the   side? The Bull Dogs at Davis-Monthan,         world,” and how that can get shaken up when you’re on   ference in each other’s lives. When we come home, we   information for helping agencies is close at hand if
   part of a Monster Mash me-                                Japanese Islands. Here, a pair of alert escorts follow the   the 354th Fighter Squadron, fly A-10s, and   a deployment or coming home from one. Having some   welcome each other, and help each other to be whole.     the need arises.
   morial workout.                        Photos by Andre Trinidad  USS Hornet to protect her lethal cargo of B-25 bombers.  they have just such a prize.

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