Page 20 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 2-5-16
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20 High Desert Warrior                                                                
        February 5, 2016

Community Relations

Fort Irwin supports Rose Bowl game

                                               Public Affairs Office                            Cardinals and the University of Iowa Hawkeyes.
                                                                                                   National Training Center and Fort Irwin Commander Maj. Gen. Joseph Martin also sup-
   A joint service military color guard and the commander of this installation supported the
Rose Bowl college football game, Jan. 1.                                                        ported the event as a senior active duty Army commander.
                                                                                                   The game was attended by approximately 95,000 people and televised nationally. It was the
   The color guard consisted of eight servicemembers from the Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines,
Navy and Army with a senior non-commissioned officer-in-charge. The detail presented the        102nd Rose Bowl game and featured the highest ranking teams from the Pac-12 Conference and
services’ flags and the colors of the nation prior to the game between the Stanford University  Big Ten Conference that were not selected to play in a college football playoff semifinal game.

                                                                                                   The Cardinals crushed Iowa, 45 to 16.

The National Training Center and Fort Irwin organized and led the joint color guard for         National Training Center and Fort Irwin Commander Maj. Gen. Joseph Martin and his
the 102nd Rose Bowl Game, Jan. 1.                                                               spouse, Leanne Martin (center-left), met Rose Princess Bryce Bakewell of the 2016
                                                                                                Pasadena Tournament of Roses Royal Court.
Your Troopers

11th ACR celebrates 115th birthday

 By Capt. Dawne Divine, 11th ACR Public Affairs  served in the Philippine–American War,         Cutting the cake: 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Commander Col.
                                                 World War II, Vietnam, the Cold War,           Kevin Jacobi (center), the regiment’s youngest Soldier Pfc. Jackson Burns
   Soldiers, friends and family members          Operation Desert Storm, and Operation          and the unit’s oldest Soldier, Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Mosites.
of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment             Iraqi Freedom.”
gathered to honor the unit’s 115th birth-
day with a special meal and cake-cutting            Jacobi also referenced the Regiment’s
ceremony at dining facility 1 here, Feb. 2.      participation in multiple campaigns and
                                                 highlighted a few valorous unit awards.
   The 11th ACR was established by a
Congressional act to increase cavalry               In tradition of the celebration, Jacobi
assets within the United States Army.            was joined by the regiment’s oldest Sol-
Shortly after the Spanish-American War of        dier, Command Sgt. Maj. Michael A.
1898, Congress endorsed the addition of          Mosites, and youngest Soldier Pfc. Jack-
five cavalry regiments in order to preserve      son Burns, for the official cutting of the
and strengthen the national defense. On          regimental birthday cake with a saber.
Feb. 2, 1901, the 11th ACR amassed as a
unit in the regular army.                           Mosites remained in good spirits after
                                                 being labeled the “old guy” and will soon
   Col. Kevin Jacobi, 11th ACR com-              retire after 30 years of active duty service.
manding officer, took a few moments to           For Burns, the day was extra special day
reflect on what the Blackhorse has accom-        because Feb. 2 was also his 18th birthday.
plished during the past 115 years.
                                                    As the pieces of cake were being dis-
   “Our history, has been answering our          tributed among the guests, Jacobi thanked
nation’s call of military service around the     everyone for attending and reminded Sol-
world,” Jacobi said. “The 11th ACR has           diers to always honor and take pride in the
                                                 past generations of Blackhorse Troopers.

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