Page 13 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 5, 2021
P. 13

12   March 5, 2021  news  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  AlwAys free Access!

 U.S. Army announces 2021 DOD Warrior Games dates, events

 the following 12 adaptive sport-  Command. “This is an incredible  Games is one of the ways we want  ticipation in the Warrior Games
 ing events:  opportunity for us to honor and  to show our appreciation to the  represents the culmination of a   Frequent Updates — Breaking News — Local • Regional • National
 · Sitting Volleyball  celebrate the resiliency, tenac-  heroic servicemen and service-  service member’s involvement
 · Powerlifting  ity and dedication of our world’s  women who will fiercely demon-  in an adaptive sports program
 · Cycling  wounded, ill and injured service  strate their grit and fighting spirit  and demonstrates the incredible
 · Wheelchair Rugby  members. It’s also our chance to  to the world,” said Faron Kelley,  potential of wounded warriors
 · Wheelchair Basketball  care for the families and caregiv-  vice president of Disney Sports.  through competitive sports.
 The Department of Defense  · Golf  ers of our remarkable heroes...  “We look forward to working   The 2021 Warrior Games will
 2021 Warrior Games will take  · Precision Air Sports (shooting)  the ones who represent the very  with the Department of Defense  once again be open to the public,
 place Sept. 12 to 22 at the ESPN  · Swimming  best of us.”  to bring this world-class event  welcoming the community and
 Wide World of Sports Complex  · Indoor Rowing  The ESPN Wide World of  to ESPN Wide World of Sports  the world to be a part of the excite-
 at Walt Disney World Resort near  · Archery  Sports Complex, donated for use  Complex.”  ment and to support these heroes.
 Orlando, Fla.  · Track  and serving as a Warrior Games   The Warrior Games, first held   More information about the
 The opening ceremony for the  · Field  venue for the first time, is a 220-  in 2010, celebrates the resiliency  2021 DoD Warrior Games, in-
 games will take place Sept. 12, and   “On behalf of the U.S. Army,  acre facility that features multiple  and dedication of wounded, ill  cluding any applicable safety and
 the closing ceremony is scheduled  we are truly honored to host the  indoor and outdoor competition  and injured active-duty and veter-  health measures related to CO-
 for Sept. 22. During the games  Department of Defense 2021  sites. The complex has previously  an U.S. military service members  VID-19, will be available closer to
 hundreds of elite athletes, includ-  Warrior Games,” said Gen. Paul  hosted the 2016 Invictus Games  and enhances their recovery and  the event. Learn more about the
 ing athletes from international  Funk II, commander of U.S.  and other notable sporting events.  rehabilitation by providing them  Warrior Games at dodwarrior-
 allied nations, will compete in  Army Training and Doctrine   “Supporting the Warrior  exposure to adaptive sports. Par-

 COvid-19, from Page 3  									  great preventative measures we can take to  beneficiaries be eligible for the vaccine?”  patience and understanding during these
 keep ourselves safe,” said Hagemann. “But   Dyer and Hagemann then explained  tough times.
 Hagemann then provided the audience  we now have one more tool in our tool box,  the different phases that the DOD has set   “I want to say thank you to everyone
 more information about the vaccine that  and that is the coronavirus vaccination.”  for the administering of the vaccine which  that joined us, hopefully you learned
 Nellis is providing and Department of   Some of the questions asked by audience  can be found here:  some valuable information from Col.
 Defense’s guidance for the administration  members during the town hall were: “When  COVID-19/  Hagemann and the team,” said Dyer. “We
 of the vaccine.  will I get my dose?” “Who is considered   The event concluded with both leaders  appreciate you, and all of us are proud to
 “Mask wear and social distancing are  high risk for the vaccination?” “When will  thanking everyone for their continued  be on your team.”

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