Page 17 - Nellis, Creech and NTTR Bullseye 11-20-15
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BULLSEYE                                         Nellis Living                                                                                                17November 20, 2015                                                                                                                        


  ATTENTION:                                     Thursdays in the Cardio Room from 5:15 to         More than $10,000 in Exchange gift cards up for grabs
                                                 6:20 a.m. YogaX — Wednesdays at Racquet-
 In order to reduce waste, eliminate             ball Court three from 4:40 to 6:20 a.m. For       From the Army & Air Force Exchange Service Public Affairs  each be awarded a $750 gift card.
 plastic bagging, and decrease refuse in         more information, contact Staff Sgt. Armelyn                                                                    The sweepstakes is part of the
 the street, Manch Manor residents may           Braceros at            DALLAS — The Army & Air Force
 now pick up the Bullseye at the enclosed                                                          Exchange Service is giving Soldiers,                       Exchange’s Because of You program,
 newspaper racks in your neighborhood            Resume Writing: The second Thursday of            Airmen and their families a chance                         a year-long effort to recognize and
 located next to mailboxes.                      each month, from 9 to11 a.m. at the Airman        to shop till they drop with the $10K                       reward service members for their
                                                 & Family Readiness Center. Topics include         Spend It Your Way Giveaway.                                sacrifice and dedication to America.
Every Monday: Ready, Set, Grow at the            networking, cover letters, announcements,
Youth Center 10 a.m.                             resumes and marketing resume writing.                One grand-prize winner will take                           Authorized shoppers 18 years and
                                                                                                   home a $5,000 Exchange gift card.                          older can enter the giveaway at www.
Every Thursday: Walk-in GI Bill briefing         Love and Logic Parenting Series: Fam-             The first-place winner receives a                
2 p.m.                                           ily Advocacy is hosting the Love and Logic        $2,500 Exchange gift card, while                           through Nov. 30.
                                                 parenting series at the Centennial Hills          second place wins a $1,000 gift card.
Cookie Drive: Drop off to all Airmen liv-        YMCA, Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. Free childcare       Three third-place winners will                                Winners will be chosen at random
ing in the dorms is scheduled to take place      is provided for YMCA members. For more                                                                       and notified no later than Dec. 19. No
the afternoon of Dec. 14. Cookie donations       information, call 702-653-3880.                                                                              purchase is necessary to enter or win.
can be dropped off at the Chapel between 6
a.m. and 9 a.m., Dec. 14. Anyone wanting to      Parent Support Group:Share common
help wrap cookies should be at the Chapel        experiences unique to special needs fami-
at 7:30 a.m.                                     lies and learn about new information and
                                                 resources. We meet the third Wednesday
549th Combat Training Squadron change            of every month at the airman and family
of command: Come out to the 549th Com-           readiness center.
bat Training Squadron change of command
ceremony 9a.m., Dec. 7 at the Green Flag         Nellis Company Grade Officer’s Council:
Auditorium. Presiding official Col. Kenneth      The Nellis CGOC provides a source of social
Smith, 57th Operations Group commander,          and professional development for all company
will oversee the event as Lt. Col. Cameron       grade officers at Nellis. Volunteer and leader-
Dadgar relinquishes command to Lt. Col.          ship opportunities are available as well as the
Jordon Grant. For More information, contact      chance to network with other like-minded
Airman 1st Class Nevil Ewell at 702-652-         professionals at Nellis. Monthly meetings are
8843 or Capt. Tonya Satchell at 703-652-8787     held on the last Thursday of every month at
                                                 Robin’s Roost in The Club from 4:30 to 5:30
Exciting news for November at the Testing        p.m. For more information, call 702-652-9623.
Center: To thank our Veteran’s during the
month of November, the National University            CREECH HAPPENINGS:
test center will waive the $20 proctoring for
all CLEP and DSST tests for all veterans and     Need uniform items but don’t have time
proctored exams for the month of November.       to go to Nellis? Creech is slated to have the
If you pass your DSST — Ethics in America        ability to order uniform items and have them
exam anytime during the month of Novem-          delivered next day. Talk to your squadron
ber, you will get a USB (while supplies last).   leadership for more information.
There is also a new CLEP/DSST testing in-
formation pamphlet. Feel free to stop by the      Reporting Suspicious Activities on or near
education office, the testing center, or email   Creech Air Force Base: Please report any with any questions.              suspicious behavior/activities observed on or
                                                 near Creech AFB to law enforcement ASAP.
Blood Drive Dates: The following dates will      AFOSI can be contacted at 702-404-1613 and
be located at Outdoor Recreation with the        Security Forces at 702-404-3333. Members
exception of two MDG drives:                     are also asked to add these telephone num-
Dec. 10                                          bers to cell phones so they are available to
                                                 contact either agency quickly when needed.
Deployed Spouses Supporting Deployed             Additionally, if you are in a group and the
Spouses: Stay strong during deployments          entire group observes the activity in question
and meet with other deployed spouses. Share      please only have one individual from the
ideas, learn coping skills, socialize and more.  group contact law enforcement. If anyone has
Meetings are held at the Airman and Family       observed any suspicious behaviors/activities
Readiness Center from 11 a.m. to noon the        not previously reported, contact AFOSI or
first and third Monday of each month. For        Security Forces.
more information call 702-652-3327.
                                                   Creech Personal Enrichment & Balance
Workout Group: Workout with the AM-              Series
Extreme Group at the Warrior Fitness Cen-        t 'JOBODJBM 3FBEJOFTT GPS 0ďDFST BU 'JSTU
ter. Classes include: Insanity and Ab Ripper     Duty Station: Nov. 25, 8 to 9:30 a.m.
— Mondays and Fridays in the Cardio Room         Registration for classes is recommended. For
from 5:15 to 6:20 a.m. P90X — Tuesdays and       more information and to register, contact the
                                                 Creech Airman & Family Readiness Center
                                                 at 702-404-0864/0285.
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