Page 4 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, March 2021
P. 4

4                                                            March 2021                                    Desert Lightning News                               Desert Lightning News                                           March 2021                                                                     5
   355th Medical Group conducts reorganization ceremony                                                                                                              D-M Airmen become Guardians

                  by Airman                   said Lt. Col. Joshua Curtis, former 355th Medi-                                                                                by Senior Airman             been selected for,” Maldonado-Seguinot
                                                                                                                                                                                                          said. “Having some of my co-workers and
            wiLLiAM TuRNBuLL                  cal Support Squadron commander. “I’ve had the                                                                                JACoB T. STePheNS              leadership be a part of this transition with
                                              distinct pleasure of leading a team of 117 Airmen                                                                              355th Wing Public Affairs
               355th Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                                                                                  me is a unique and special thing. This
                                              through a time of many historical events over the                                                                       Five Airmen from the 755th Opera-
      During a reorganization ceremony, the 355th   last 18 months.”                                                                                                tional Support Squadron were sworn in
   Medical Group consolidated from three squadrons   Under the command of Curtis, the 355th MDSS                                                                    as Guardians in the United States Space
   to two at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Feb. 2.  led the Wing’s response to COVID-19 deployments,                                                                Force during an induction ceremony at
     By the order of the Secretary of the Air Force   while still supporting current deployment opera-                                                              Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Feb. 10.
   and Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Air Force   tions, as well as the COVID-19 sampling line for                                                              U.S. Space Force 1st Lt. Anthony Fer-
   Surgeon General has been directed to reform Air   five days a week for nearly a year.                                                                            nandes, Sgt. Caleb Swanson and Special-
   Force medical services. The 355th Medical Sup-  “I am eternally grateful to have been the last                                                                   ist 4s Makhi Richburg, Salvador Austin
   port Squadron was deactivated and all personnel   commander of the 355th MDSS,” Curtis said. “I                                                                  Zaragoza and Victor Maldonado-Seguinot
   were moved into the 355th Healthcare Operations   am proud of my Airmen and I want to thank you                                                                  were sworn in as intelligence troops.
   Squadron.                                  for everything you have done, and for the amazing                                                                       “This is truly a once in a lifetime op-
     “After 27 years of service, the 355th MDSS is   things I know you will do. I wouldn’t have wanted                                                              portunity to be a part of something this
   standing down and being absorbed into the 355th   to serve with anyone else.”                                                                                    historic,” Fernandes said. “The last time
   HCOS,” said Col. Patrick Parsons, 355th Medi-  The 355th MDSS was recognized for being able to                                                                   a new branch of the military was created,
   cal Group commander. “The 355th HCOS will be   sustain normal medical operations while combating                                                                 the Air  Force separated from the Army
   under the command of Lt. Col. David Dennison.”  COVID-19 for the past year, by winning 8 of the 10                                                               Air Corps in 1947, and to be able to be a
     In the past, the 355th Medical Group has under-  group-level 2020 annual awards and earning a 98                                                               part of something like this feels kind of
   gone many efforts that the members of the unit   percent from the College of American Pathologists                                                               unreal. It is an honor to take this step in
   refer to as “The Big Five”: (1) The consolidation   no-notice inspection with just 30 percent of their                                                           history and be able to bring some of my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
   of Tri-Service medical functions to the Defense   manning.                                                                                                       troops with me and lead them as we build                                    From left, U.S. Space Force Sgt. Caleb Swanson, Specialist 4 Makhi Richburg, 1st Lt.
   Health Agency, a wing reorganization; (2) the   As per tradition, the furling of a squadron flag                                                                 the newest branch of the military.”                                         Anthony Fernandes, Specialist 4 Victor Maldonado-Seguinot and Specialist 4 Salva-
   Medical Community of Interest network migra-  signifies the end of a unit and after Lt. Col. Curtis                                                                The ceremony included Brig. Gen. Craig                                    dor Austin Zaragoza pose for a photo during a U.S. Space Force Induction Ceremo-
   tion; (3) the Military Health System GENESIS   resigned command of the squadron to Col. Parsons,                                   Airman William Turnbull       Baker, 12th Air Force vice commander,                                       ny at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Feb. 10. These five Guardians from the 755th
   electronic health record transition; (4) the Air   the flag of the 355th MDSS was furled marking the   From left, Col. Patrick Parsons, 355th Medical Group commander,   commissioning Fernandes by administer-                              Operational Support Squadron transitioned from Airmen to Guardians in the United
   Force Medical Service manpower reduction; (5)   end of its 27-year presence.           Master Sgt. Chakemia Chambers, 355th Medical Support Squadron             ing an oath of office. This was followed                                    States Space Force during the ceremony.
   and now two medical group reorganizations as   The Air Force continues to make efforts to build   superintendent, and Lt. Col. Joshua Curtis, former 355th Medical Sup-  by Fernandes swearing in the four other    Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
   part of the Air Force Medical Reform.      a more ready, resilient force by accelerating change.   port Squadron commander, stand at attention during the MDG reorga-  Guardians as the newest members of the   A Guardian listens to a speech during   transition is exciting and I cannot wait   Defense Strategy, by heading into the
     “As I reflect on the magnitude and significance   The 355th Wing exemplifies these efforts as the   nization ceremony at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Feb. 2. The 355th   Space Force.              a U.S. Space Force Induction Ceremo-  to see what the future holds.”       great unknown to help the Space Force
   of these  actions, it underscores how blessed  I   Airmen of the 355th MDG are continuing their   MDSS was deactivated and its Airmen were realigned under the 355th   “This is an amazing opportunity and   ny at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,   Airmen across the Air Force are taking   continue to develop and grow to increase
   have been to command such an amazing team,”   mission under the newly reformed 355th HCOS.  Healthcare Operations Squadron.                                      one that I am humbled and blessed to have   Feb. 10.                       the challenges set forth by the National   both readiness and national security.

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