Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, February 2020
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12  February 2021  News  Thunderbolt               News                                      13
                                                                                                                                           February 2021
 innovAtion   (from Page 1)  According to Dylewski, the cell is   Looking back: Medical operations during Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm
 already working on changing the way
 der to bring the service more rapid and   low-observable coating is applied  to
 affordable capability.”  aircraft to help create a more consis-
 Luke AFB is no stranger to innova-  tent curing process, bringing more 3D   by                        Medical personnel   air transportable hospitals, with help from
 tive ideas after winning the 2020 Air   printing resources to the base, address-  AiR FoRCe meDiCAL SeRViCe   respond to a mass   a 250-bed contingency hospital staffed by
 Force Spark Tank competition, an   ing sporadic power cart reliability, sur-                          casualty event     the Military Airlift Command, supplied
 annual event hosted at the Air Force   face tablets to facilitate smooth remote   History Office      during Operation   most of the in-theater hospital beds and
 Association’s Air Warfare Symposium   work, and more.  FALLS ChuRCh, Va. — Just six days              Desert Storm.      staff for the Air Force in Desert Storm.
 in Orlando, Florida, where Airmen   “The Thunderbolt Spark Cell is going   after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, Aug. 8, 1990,   First-stage medical   First-stage medical care and evaluation
 pitch innovative ideas to a panel of   to be able to take those ideas and make   the Air Force Medical Service began its larg-  care and evalua-  was available at 31 deployed air transport-
 top Air Force leadership and industry   est deployment since the Vietnam War.                         tion was available   able clinics. The Air Force eventually pro-
 experts. The 56th FW is also a finalist   them a reality,” said Dylewski. “Inno-  In August and September 1990, the Air   at 31 deployed   vided 925 beds in Southwest Asia staffed by
 in the 2021 competition with the Next-  vation that drives us to live and work   Force placed the first in-theater U.S. medi-  air transportable   4,900 medics, almost one out of every 10 Air
 Gen Debrief innovation, a concept that   better here at Thunderbolt Nation is   cal facilities capable of both surgery and   clinics. The Air   Force people who deployed. The Air Force
 utilizes augmented reality headsets to   so important because what we do is so   chemical  decontamination. The  first Air   Force eventually   also deployed 6,900 medics to staff 3,740
 project a three-dimensional scene into   important. What makes the Thunder-  Force medical teams arrived in the Arabian   provided 925 beds   beds in the Air Force fixed and contingency
 a debrief room, allowing pilots to view   bolt Spark Cell and innovation here at   Peninsula two days after the combat units.   in Southwest Asia   hospitals in Europe. By the end of the Gulf
 scenarios from any angle.    Luke so critical is that it will help us   These teams were the main source of medical   staffed by 4,900   War, the active-duty AFMS was larger than
 “Luke already has people with great   all build the world’s greatest fighter   support to all American military forces until   medics, almost   ever, with 14,500 officers, 30,000 enlisted
 ideas to make Luke work better,” said   pilots and combat-ready Airmen. With-  the second week in September 1990.  one out of every 10   medics and about 9,500 civilians.
 Dylewski. “That’s obvious when a Luke   out both of those groups, the Air Force   The overall Desert Shield medical de-  Air Force people   The reserve mobilization and deploy-
 team makes the finals of an Air Force-  simply cannot accomplish its mission.”  ployment was much faster than during the   U.s. Air force photo   who deployed.   ment was also essential to the medical
 wide competition for the second year   For more information  about join-  Airman 1st Class Caleb Butler   Vietnam War, even though 175 more hospital   deployment. Half of Air Force medics who
 in a row. We can also tell by the fact   ing the Spark Cell Board or submit-  A Microsoft HoloLens 2 displays an augmented reality simulation during a demonstration,   beds were deployed during Desert Shield  to deploy by sealift or airlift several days   system. The staff at Air Force contingency   went to Europe and Southwest Asia by
 that a few days after announcing the   ting ideas, contact Capt. Christopher   Oct. 12, 2020, at Arizona State University in Phoenix. The smartglasses project information in   (925 versus 750). Air transportable clinics  after their lead combat elements. By late   hospitals in Europe, like many of their coun-  February 1991 were members of the Air
 Thunderbolt Spark Cell (via email to   Dylewski at christopher.dylewski.1@  3D allowing individuals to interact with their surroundings and each other. Luke AFB Airmen   and hospitals were the key to rapid mobility.  August, the air transportable hospitals   terparts in the Arabian Peninsula, practiced   National Guard and the Air Force Reserve.
 the base), I have a huge list of ideas or access the Ideascale web-  and an ASU student are bringing an innovative idea to strengthen Air Force culture and capa-  The clinics deployed immediately with their  began arriving about two weeks after their   very little combat medicine because casu-  Reservists accounted for almost 97% of the
 from folks about ways to make Luke   site at  bilities with their submission of the “Next-Gen Debrief” project, which uses augmented reality   flying squadrons. The first squadron medical  combat squadrons. By late October, most of   alties were so low. From August 1990 to   aeromedical evacuation cadre.
 better.”  ideas/recent/campaigns/210.  during the debrief process, in the Air Force Material Command Spark Tank competition.  elements and air transportable clinics left  the air transportable medical facilities were   March 1991, disease and non-battle injuries   Although by historical standards the de-
          the U.S. Aug. 8, 1990, just one day after the  committed to the operation. In November,   accounted for most of the medical evacua-  ployment was extremely rapid and success-
          first fighter aircraft deployments. The first  the Persian Gulf deployment expanded to   tions from Southwest Asia to Europe. Ag-  ful, the medical service was fortunate that
 finALists   (from Page 1)  board in information technology, healthcare,   in which mission participants debrief in a   operating in loud or Mission Oriented   air transportable hospitals departed Aug. 11  include hospitals from 10 contiguous United   gressive, preventive medicine was effective   hostilities did not start until 163 days after
 and maintenance,” Gautier said. “Seeing the   virtual scene, projected into their current   Protective Posture, or MOPP, conditions
 Tank 2021 semi-finals board to be shared   results of previous competitions, we noticed   environment. This projection provides  a   by allowing augmented sound through   from Shaw, MacDill and Langley Air Force  States air bases.  in minimizing losses to disease. Orthopedic   the initial mobilization. Since there was no
 virtually with senior leaders at this year’s   a spike in ideas about distributed comput-  truly three-dimensional representation of   external microphones to allow the wearer   Bases.  Desert Storm, January-February 1991  injuries alone accounted for about 43% of   guarantee that this lead time would be avail-
 Air  Force Association Virtual Aerospace   ing, automation, unmanned systems, ad-  events, while also displaying key data and   the ability to hear surrounding noise. This   In mid-August, because of a shortage of   Most Air Force planners did not antici-  the evacuees from the theaters.  able in a future war, the AFMS immediately
 Warfare Symposium.  ditive manufacturing, and sustainability,   flight parameters. Ultimately, this exercise   improves situational awareness while   airlift capability, U.S. Central Command  pate that the air and ground fighting during   Final statistics on the size of the Air Force   began to ensure that its next response would
 Spark Tank — the Department’s capstone   as well as cultural, diversity and inclusion   improves identification and internalization   wearing noise cancelling hearing protec-  directed less-essential support elements  Desert Storm would hardly tax the medical   medical deployment are impressive. The 15   be even more timely and efficient.
 innovation campaign co-produced by Rich   ideas.”  lessons learned when analyzing complex   tion. In addition, using this device im-
 Lombardi, Air Force deputy chief manage-  In his 2020 strategic approach entitled   flight events. The information gathered can   proves radio communications while wear-
 ment officer, and AFWERX — unleashes the   “Accelerate Change or Lose,” Air Force Chief   be shared across multiple locations.  ing respirators, masks, and/ or other voice
 innovative capacity of Airmen and Guard-  of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., asserts,   (Video at DVIDS:  https://www.dvidshub.  obstructing devices. Hearing protection
 ians, reflecting leadership’s continued ef-  “Our Airmen need us to integrate and ac-  net/video/769748/next-gen-debrief-spark-  offers inner ear hearing protection higher
 forts to empower intrepreneurs, celebrate   celerate the changes necessary to explore   tank-2021)  than current over-the-ear headsets.
 their problem-solving skills and give them   new operational concepts and bring more   • Col. Thomas K. Swoveland, 2nd. Lt.   (Video at DVIDS:  https://www.dvidshub.  AlwAys free Access!
 a stage to share their projects with fellow   rapidly the capabilities that will help them   mark Seay, Tech. Sgt. Ananias Ross,    net/video/763599/bone-conduction-spark-
 service members and the world.  in the future fights. To do this, we must . . .   mr. Anthony Apodaca, ms. Crystal   tank)  Frequent Updates – Breaking News  – Local • Regional • National
 “Spark Tank is a fantastic opportunity to   place capability in warfighters’ hands faster   Kelley, mr. Bryan Gilbrech  • Master Sgt. Jason Yunker, Master
 showcase and celebrate Airmen and Guard-  — through innovation, experimentation   United States Air Force Academy  Sgt. Timothy Peters
 ian risk-takers, idea makers and intrepre-  and rapid prototyping, and a collaborative   Colorado Springs, Colorado  52nd Fighter Wing  A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.
 neurs who refuse to accept the status quo,   approach with our service and industry   Improving Commander’s Support   Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany,
 develop solutions that improve how our   teammates.”  Staff Workflow with Office 365  United States Air Forces Europe/Air  Home loans you’ll be
 jobs are done,” said Brou Gautier, Spark   Spark Tank 2021 finalists:  A team from the United States Air Force   Forces Africa  Our VisiOn
 Tank director.  • Master Sgt. Justin Bauer  Academy developed a ticketing system   Viper Hot Refuel Kit  Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital
 Board members reviewed 15 submissions   355th Fighter Wing  to manage submissions, track status up-  The VIPER Hot Refuel Kit takes exist-  will be the best place to work, the   happy to live with
 competing for the stage. The selection pro-  Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona,   dates, monitor communication and ensure   ing petroleum oil and lubricant compo-  Scratch Kitchen Restaurant  best place to practice medicine, and
                                                             the best place to received care in
 cess looked at the need for specific capabili-  Air Combat Command  resolution. Office 365 provided the tools to   nents and uniquely configures them into   rural America.
 ties as well as concerns of safety, policy, Air   Innovative Approach to C-130 Wheel   design and deploy the system on comput-  a small, hot pit ready package, completely   A BUTTERY TASTE OF SOUL!
 Force and Space Force-wide implementa-  Repair  ers, tablets and mobile devices. One Power   eliminating need to transport refueling   AbOut the fAcility
 tion, technical feasibility and scalability.  To address the shortage of C-130 wheels,   Apps app allows users to submit requests   trucks. A custom “sled” built to carry the
 Spark Tank offers  the  opportunity for   Master Sgt. Justin Bauer designed a heat-  and track status, while another allows CSS   components doubles as secondary contain-  Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital in Glasgow, Montana is a voluntary, nonprofit corporation designed to serve the
                                                             people of Northeastern Montana and surrounding areas.  A  Board of Trustees, elected as representatives of Valley
 participants to get their ideas in front of key   ing element that fits the wheel, heating only   members to assign, add notes/attachments,   ment to eliminate environmental impact.   County, supervises its operations.  Trustees set the policies of the hospital and serve without pay.
 enabling agencies that can share expertise   the portion required by applicable technical   and mark actions as complete. SharePoint   This equipment  will utilize host nation   The chief purpose of FMDH is to provide the best patient care possible at the lowest possible cost. The hospital
 and resources such as funding or personnel   data. This heating element only requires   stores the data while Power BI produces   or civilian airport refueling equipment   UC BAND LIVE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT - 7:00-10:00PM  today reflects a refinement of that goal as the staff strives to meet the needs and realities of the community.  The
 for the projects being presented and demon-  120 volts of electricity, making it accessible   live dashboards for status and flagging   to support fifth generation fighters, as   Military Wednesdays - Happy Hour prices all day  high-tech hospital we all enjoy today had very humble beginnings.  Aris Ulloa
 strate pathways for intrepreneurs to make   to every DOD facility. It weighs just three   overdue actions.  well as any USAF airframe, anywhere   Mon. - Thurs. 11:00am-9:00pm • Fri. - Sat. 10:00am-10:00pm  Sun. 10:00am-9:00pm  AbOut the cOmmunity  Consumer Mortgage Consultant
 their initiatives successful.  to five pounds, and reduces the repair time.  (Video at:  https://static.dvidshub.  in the world. The VIPER kit eliminates a   Glasgow, Montana is located in Northeastern Montana just minutes
 Although only five ideas will be pitched on   (Video at DVIDS: https://www.dvidshub.  net/media/video/2010/DOD_108013618/  $6,000 per-truck, per-shipment (one-way)   623-240-2216 | | 55 N Litchfield Rd, Goodyear, AZ 85338  from the large, pristine Fort Peck Lake. Our location provides a
 the virtual stage at this year’s Spark Tank,   net/video/753668/dms-wheel-and-tire-shop)  DOD_108013618.mp4)  cost by allowing the USAF fuels person-  multitude of opportunities for those interested in wildlife, hunting,   714-457-5018
                                                                                  fishing and outdoor recreation. Experience the beauty of the rolling
 more than 300 Airmen and Guardians took   • Maj. Kevin Hawkins, 1st Lt. Daniel   • Maj. David Steward, Col. John   nel to utilize host nation/installation   se habla español  plains and wide open spaces of Eastern Montana and learn why   NMLS ID #384558
 the plunge and submitted ideas during the   Treece, mr. Dylan Kerr of Arizona   Tran, master Sgt. Chris Pettingill,   infrastructure.  Montana has been dubbed the “Big Sky State”.
 campaign on the Airmen Powered by In-  State university  master Sgt. Anthony Taylor, master.   (Video at DVIDS:  https://www.dvidshub.  JOb OppOrtunities  benefits
 novation ideation management platform,   56th Fighter Wing  Sgt. Charles morrison, Tech. Sgt.   net/video/768818/viper-kit-project)
 which spurred multiple mini-events at the   Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, Air   Chris Anderson  Spark Tank finalists will present during   •  OB/GYN  • Highly Competitive Salary
                                                                                    • Malpractice Insurance  • Health Insurance
 major and field command level connecting   Education and Training Command  100th Air Refueling Wing  the 2021 Air Force Association’s Virtual   termites, Bees, weeds, pigeons, rodents & more!  •  Family Medicine  • 401k Retirement Plan • Vacation • CME
                                                             •  Clinical Psychologist
                                             6.5” AD SPACE
 Airmen and Guardians with local resources   Next Gen Debrief – Augmented   RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom,   Aerospace Warfare  Symposium. Voting   •  Licensed Clinical Social Worker  • Loan Repayment Negotiable
                                                                                    • Paid Interview and Relocation ExPEnsEs
 such as public affairs, finance, contracting   Reality Debrief Environment  United States Air Forces Europe/Air   will be open on February 12 at 12 p.m.,   Charlie Carroll - Owner/Operator  Loans  subject  to  credit  and  collateral  approval.  Not  all  loan
                                                                                                                 programs  are  available  in  all  states  for  all  loan  amounts.
 and legal.  A team from Luke AFB, in partnership   Forces Africa  and will close 60 seconds after the last   602-319-2082 •  cOntAct  Restrictions may apply. Terms and conditions subject to change.
 “Key themes included process and policy   with Arizona State University’s Luminos-  Inner Ear Bone Conduction   presentation is  completed. To vote  on   For more information regarding current job openings, please contact:
                                                                                      Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital
 change recommendations in addition to   ity Lab, developed the Next Gen Debrief,   Communication  finalists’ ideas, visit:  9524 w. Camelback road, C130-34B | glendale, AZ 85305  Connie Brunelle, R.N.  621 3rd Street South, Glasgow MT 59230  ©2020 MUFG Union Bank, N.A. All rights reserved.
                                                                   Physician Recruiter
 development of new products or applying   a concept that utilizes augmented reality   Bone conduction technology removes   ranking_polls/TfwLKPDbObfFIhAQt5Q-  Trust C&Z to make your life EZ.  Lic. #9595  Phone: 406.228.3609  Email:  Member FDIC. Union Bank is a registered trademark
                                                                                                                        and brand name of MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
 existing products in new ways across the   systems to create a shared environment   ambient noise and voice constraint when   Id/respond.
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