Page 11 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 8-7-15
P. 11

August 7, 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Desert Wings                                                                                                                                                                                                    11


  $  .  I X Q  U X Q  N L F N H G  R II  W K H  :R P H Q ¶V  PHPRUDWHV WKH SDVVDJH RI WKH :RPDQ                is not just about gender or race equality,                                                                    DPWRSP7KHJXHVWVSHDNHUZLOO
                                                                                                                              Z K L F K  D U H  H [ W U H P H O \  L P S R U W D Q W   E X W  D O V R                                EHPRWLYDWLRQDOVSHDNHU-XOLDQDGH%HHUV
Equality Day celebrations Aug. 5 at the                               Suffrage Amendment to the Constitution,
                                                                                                                              about diversity of thought and background.                                                                      Call Master Sgt. Shalyon Fluellen at
Rosburg Fitness Center.                                               which gave U.S. women full voting rights                                                                                                                              &ODULVVD+LOODW
  /DWHDVKD'DYLV$LU)RUFH7HVW&HQWHU                              LQ,QKRQRURIWKLVVLJQL¿FDQWHYHQW             The more diverse our workforce, the stron-                                                                    RU/DWHDVKD'DYLVDW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for information on the events.
,QVSHFWRU*HQHUDO¶VRI¿FHVKDUHGDEULHI                            and many other achievements made, the                   ger we become. Many thanks for all who
KLVWRU\RIZRPHQ¶VULJKWWRYRWHDQG0DM                            (GZDUG:RPHQ¶V(TXDOLW\'D\&RPPLWWHH                  SXWRQWKLVHYHQW´                                                                                           %ULJ *HQ &DUO 6FKDHIHU WK 7HVW :LQJ
                                                                      LQYLWHVHYHU\RQHWRFRPHDQGSDUWLFLSDWH                                                                                                                             FRPPDQGHU ZDV WKH ¿UVW WR PDNH KLV ZD\
Mark Martin outlined the course.                                                                                                On Aug. 7, a fundraiser will be held at                                                                     DFURVVWKH¿QLVKOLQHDWWKH:RPHQ¶V(TXDOLW\
  ³:H¶UHFHOHEUDWLQJZRPHQDFKLHYLQJWKH                               ³7RGD\¶VHYHQWZDVQRWDERXWZLQQLQJ                 3DQGD([SUHVV%\SUHVHQWLQJDQDGYHU-                                                                        'D\.$XJ
full voting right through the U.S. Consti-                            or losing a 5K race, but celebrating the di-            SXUFKDVHZLOOEHGRQDWHGWRRIIVHWWKHFRVW
                                                                      YHUVLW\ZLQVIRURXUQDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQWRI             RIWKH:RPHQ¶V(TXDOLW\2EVHUYDQFH/XQ-
tution by way of the 19th Amendment in                                'HIHQVHDQG$LU)RUFH´VDLG%ULJ*HQ
´VDLG'DYLV                                                                                                            cheon. Call one of the POCs for details
                                                                      Carl Schaefer, 412th Test Wing command-                 RQKRZWRREWDLQWKHÀ\HU7KHOXQFKHRQ
  Getting the right to vote was a catalyst
                                                                      er. “Our Air Force remains the best in the              will be held at Club Muroc Aug. 26 from
for women to gain equality in many more
DUHDV RI OLIH ,Q WKH V WKH :RPHQ¶V                       world because of our diversity. Diversity

Armed Services Integration Act was signed                                                                                                                                                           Air Force photographs by Rebecca Amber
                                                                      0DM 0DUN 0DUWLQ WK 2SHUDWLRQV *URXS RXWOLQHV WKH FRXUVH IRU WKH :RPHQ¶V (TXDOLW\
in the regular and reserve military forces.                           'D\.IXQUXQ$XJ


And in 1994, the USS Eisenhower became

women crew members. Sixty-three women

  “In the 95 years since the 19th amend-

ment was ratified, women have made

strides in every facet of American life and

  Aug. 26 has been designated as Wom-

American women achieving full voting

sage of the 19th Amendment. Instituted

first established in 1971, the date com-

                                                      Pick up your copy of DESERT WINGS
                                                      off base at the following locations:

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