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4  High Desert Warrior                                  High Desert Warrior        5
 September 2021
                                                                                                                                   September 2021
 Community                                                                                                                                 News

 Army Family re ects on Military Family Appreciation Month

                                    Student and Teacher Spotlight for Lewis Elementary
 Casey Slusser
 Fort Irwin Public A airs
             Student: Shuri Hogan, 4th Grader, TVIS
 November is o cially designated as Military Family Ap-
 preciation Month, providing an opportunity for the Army and
 the nation to recognize the commitment and resilience of Army
 Families and their critical contributions to Army readiness.
 Army families are made up of the American communities,
 they are compassionate, fun-loving and devoted husbands,
 wives, children and pets that are not that di erent from civilian
 families.  ese families just work around demanding careers that
 creates a di erent lifestyle. We honor the unique sacri ces and   Shuri Hogan is a 4th-grade student at Tiefort View Intermediate School.
 challenges families make to support their loved ones who serve.   Shuri’s favorite subjects in school are writing, math, and art.  Her teacher
 Command Sgt. Maj. Oracio Pena and Master Sgt. Mistie   Ms. Boyer said that Shuri is super creative in her drawing and her writing.
 Pena are an example of a dual military family.  e Pena’s have   Outside of school, Shuri likes to draw and play with her dog.  Shuri enjoys
 been married for 8 years and have a blended family, with four   coming to school to play with her friends and talk to her teacher.  She is
 kids.  ey have worked through multiple permanent change   a prime example to all around her of what it means to be SHARP.  When
 of station and deployments with the support of family, friends,   Shuri is older, she wants to be a singer.  TVIS is honored to have Shuri be
 and the Army.                             a part of the Timberwolf family!
 “Being married is hard, being in the military is hard, and
 being dual military can de nitely be more challenging, but it’s
 doable — it’s worth the e ort if you work together and are a
 team,” Mistie said, “You have to work together to be successful.”
  e Pena’s have had multiple deployments during their mar-                                                             Jennisha Sassone, School Secretary
 riage that has impacted their family. Master Sgt. Pena found
 these separations extremely taxing as a Unit Supply Specialist
 in the U.S. Army, she still needed to work and take care of her
 small children while having greater insight as the dangers down  Curt Taylor and the Post Command Sgt. Maj. William Justice,  and families.”
 range having been deployed herself.   have been extremely supportive on families and we could not   Both the Pena’s agreed that young soldiers and families
 “Because I am [Mistie] in the Army, I knew what was going  have asked for a better opportunity than to be stationed here  should  nd a mentor to help them through challenging times.
 on down range and understood things other military spouses  at Fort Irwin,” Command Sgt. Maj. Pena Said.   And taking responsibilities for your failures and celebrating your
 may not have. I knew what and how to look for the dangers.   “I whole handedly believe the NTC is the premiere installa-  successes was key to being successful in the Army as a Soldier
 “ eir [ Oracios Unit] perimeter was overrun, and I didn’t  tion when it comes to taking care of families, and we’ve been to  and a Military Family.
 hear from him for over 40 days, it was extremely di cult, but  some great installations in our career that supported our needs,”   “What’s made me a better leader is —I say it time and time   Ms. Jennisha has worked at Tiefort View for nine years. She is the first
 I couldn’t stop working or taking care of my babies” Mistie said.  Command Sgt. Maj. Pena Said.  again—I’m not the same person I was when I became a Ser-  face you see when you enter the Tiefort office. She has been involved with

 Command Sgt. Maj. Pena missed several milestones of his   Command Sgt. Maj. Pena acknowledged that  e Army is  geant Major,” Command Sgt. Maj. Pena Said, “my babies and   Spelling Bee, after-school clubs and AR parties. Tiefort Staff is apprecia-
 young children’s lives while serving abroad.  di erent from when they enlisted. Saying that he was a coun-  my family, they make me a better person, in every aspect, as a   tive of all of the hard work and dedication she puts into making Tiefort
 People are the Army’s top priority, and the Army recognizes  terproductive leader. Pena said he grew and today he listens to  father, a husband and a leader.”   an amazing school. Jennisha loves to travel and can often be found visiting
 that service members’ families are the backbone of our military  what soldiers need.   e Pena’s know being a military family is not for everyone,   baseball stadiums throughout the US. She loves spending time with her
 and face unique challenges.  at holds especially true in a re-  “Long before the people  rst strategy came out Army wide,  but they love it.   family and supporting her children in their various extracurricular activities.
 mote and isolated installation.   knowing the challenges soldiers face daily, we were already liv-   e Department of Defense is committed to improving the
 “Being dual military has been challenging— e National  ing that,” Master Sgt. Pena said. “You face the same challenges  quality of life for our military families.  e National Training
 Training Center has been the best duty station for our family, as  that your soldiers face, and you have the ability to give back  Center and Fort Irwin’s priorities remains, housing spousal
 far as support, from Maj. Gen. David Lesprance to Brig. Gen.  and be an example for those younger soldiers for their careers  employment, and childcare.   From CIVILIAN, Page 1
          Town Hall, and held meetings with the Fort Irwin CPAC o ce.
 From WELCOME, Page 1
            Such agencies included Installation Management Command
 a father and a husband.” Clarke continued.   ID Readiness, as well as Army Community Services.
 During his speech Sgt. Maj. Fedorisin thanked the multitude   “Our goal overall, is try to strategically address the issue of
 of people who entrusted him with his position. “Because of their   spouse employment,” said Shaunya Murrill, Chief, Army Com-
 collective e ort, the Army and our partners have committed   munity Services (ACS). “We’re here trying to develop a compre-
 roughly half a billion dollars to Fort Irwin over the next 7-8   hensive and multipronged approach to spouse employment.”
 years,” Fedorisin said. “Our mission would not be successful if   Under ACS’s umbrella they have embedded the Employment
 not for your support and teamwork.”  Readiness Program in which they educate and posture family
 Speaking at his Assumption of Responsibility, Command   members and Soldiers with resume building classes, interview
 Sgt. Maj. Larson stated that he was honored to serve as the   preparation classes, career counseling. “With CHRA and IM-
 newest Garrison Sgt. Maj. and thanked Fedorisin for a smooth   COM Readiness being here with the local CPAC o ce, we’re
 transition.   coming together to advance the issues that family members face
 Larson comes to Fort Irwin from Fort Leonard Wood, Mis-  and better the quality of life of everyone here on Fort Irwin.”
 souri, where he served as the Command Sergeant Major of the    One such plan is putting together a taskforce that will tackle   help implement to connect incoming spouses with some of our
 2-10 Infantry Regiment. A native of Othello, Washington,   several strategies such as streamlining the hiring actions of civil-  positions. By achieving a 90 percent  ll rate we will have more
 Larson enlisted in the Army as an Infantryman in September   ian personnel. According to Hong Miller, the current Deputy    e sessions concluded with a meeting with both the com-  capabilities for childcare, expanded hours for all our services,
 2000. His previous assignments include 2nd BN, 89th Infantry   Director of CHRA, the agency is looking at modifying existing  mand teams of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin  and gives us the opportunity to add new services and amenities
 Regiment, Fort Drum, New York, 1st BN 50th Infantry Regi-  policy, while also providing additional manpower resources to  Garrison.   for those living here on Fort Irwin.”
 ment, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1st BN, 67th Armor Regiment,   reach a job  ll rate of 90 percent by March 2022. “ e tools   According to Fort Irwin’s Family and Morale Welfare and   For those interested in working at the National Training
 Fort Carson, Colorado, 2nd BN, 11th Infantry Regiment, Fort   and strategies we use here on Fort Irwin, will most certainly be  Recreation (MWR) Director Brandi Crist, the weeklong ses-  Center and Fort Irwin, please visit and type in Fort
 Benning, and the Asymmetric Warfare Group.   utilized at other installations as well,” Miller said.   sion proved bene cial. “ ere are new platforms, that they will  Irwin as your location to see all available positions in the area.

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