Page 2 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 7-3-15
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Desert Wings Commentary July 3, 2015
Happy Fourth of July! Be proud of your role
Team, this Independence Day
This Independence Day weekend, we cel-
ebrate the day our great nation declared inde- On July 4, 1776, the Continental Con-
pendence for the original 13 colonies and thus gress approved the Declaration of Indepen-
the birth of the United States of America. dence, starting the colonies on the path to
The Declaration of Independence is the na- freedom.
tion’s most cherished symbol of liberty, an
ideal we continue to cherish and protect. The next day, John Adams wrote to his
Here the history of our country and its liberty wife, describing the time as “the most mem-
began. On May 15, 1776, the Virginia Conven- RUDEOHHSRFKLQWKHKLVWRU\RI$PHULFD´DQG
tion passed a resolution “to declare the United saying he was “apt to believe that it will
&RORQLHVIUHHDQGLQGHSHQGHQWVWDWHV´7KH be celebrated by succeeding generations as
decision of the convention led to the drafting the great anniversary festival. It ought to be
of a resolution supported by a majority of the commemorated as the day of deliverance ...
colonies, and later the Declaration of Indepen- It ought to be solemnized with pomp and
dence itself, supported by all thirteen colonies. parade ... from one end of this continent to
Set forth by the Congress and the Committee the other, from this time forward forever
of Five, Thomas Jefferson set out to present the PRUH´
colonies to the world as a new, sovereign nation of liberty and justice. As it concludes,
nation proclaiming, “We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and 239 years later, we still celebrate our na-
our remarkable nation rise to new heights are the embodiment of what this day means SDUDGHVDQG¿UHZRUNV:HGHFNRXUVHOYHVDQGRXUEDFN\DUGVZLWKUHGZKLWHDQG
to our country. blue in tribute to our independence and as a show of our patriotism.
The Fourth of July is a time to enjoy family and friends, but it also serves as a
reminder of what our Founding Fathers and members of our armed forces have sac- As we enjoy the festivities with friends and family, we should also remember
UL¿FHGRQRXUEHKDOI)URPWKH$PHULFDQ5HYROXWLRQWRSUHVHQWGD\ZHFRQWLQXHWR what our freedom costs, both to achieve and to sustain. Since 1776, thousands of
protect America’s freedom. Americans have given their lives in service to our nation, and millions more have
I thank all of you — Airman, civilian and contractor. Your hard work and commit- put their lives at risk to preserve our democratic way of life.
us the greatest air force in the world. You are the most valuable asset to our Air Force. Air Force Materiel Command is a key part of that service. Be proud that we sup-
Take care of your wingmen; thank your families for me for all their support; and port democracy and uphold the ideals of our predecessors when we provide our
have a fun and safe Independence Day weekend! QDWLRQ¶VZDU¿JKWHUVZLWKWKHUHVRXUFHVWKH\QHHG
Brig. Gen. Carl E. Schaefer Happy birthday, America!
412th Test Wing commander
Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski
commander, Air Force Materiel Command
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