Page 8 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 7-3-15
P. 8

Desert Wings                Community Voices                                                                                                              July 3, 2015


What can we do, and what are you doing, to conserve water?

   Patrick Nance, 412th Medical Group,                                   Bao-Canila Merrell, 412th Force Support                              Sid Rouzer, 411th Flight Test Squadron

                      Paramedic                                                    Squadron, Recreation Aid                                   6LG5RX]HUHPSKDVL]HGWKHQHHGIRUDFRPPXQLW\HI-
                                                                                                                                            fort to cut back on water usage. He expressed his concerns
  “With the conditions of the severe drought, we have to be               In our neighborhood we have our water sprinklers set              that without the full effort of the whole community, there
aware that every drop counts. Personally, I try to be more              on a community setting. They might come on twice a day              would be few strides made towards water conservation.
aware of my water usage, and for example, not let the water             but they do not stay on as long. I am concerned because             $V 5RX]HU FXW EDFN RQ ZDWHULQJ WLPHV IRU KLV ODZQ KH
run or, if you’re running water to get to the hot water, save           I don’t want it to get to the point where I’m getting water         noticed some of his neighbors in Lancaster had not made
that water instead of letting it go down the drain. I think one         that’s muddy or not clean. I don’t want the water to get to         similar adjustments. Little things, such as shorter showers
of the biggest wastes is people take lengthy showers or leave           that point. I want to enjoy clean water. For one thing, we          and shorter, less frequent watering cycles, are small steps
the water running when they’re brushing their teeth. There’s            have considered saving the water as it is running to warm           the community should take. “A few people practicing bet-
also an issue in the state of California that large corporations        up for a shower. Now when it’s warm, it actually takes a            ter conservation practices will not meet our needs due to
DUHEHLQJDOORZHGWRERWWOHWKHZDWHUDQGVHOOLWIRUDSUR¿W          while for the water to cool down if I need cold water. So           the drought. Only with everyone making an effort to be
and that’s draining the aquifers. I think if they’re going to ask       LWFRPHVRXWKRW¿UVWDQG,¶PZDLWLQJIRUDFRXSOHVHFRQGV         more conscious of water use will avert the concerns brought
us as consumers to cut back then I think they ought to ask              for it to cool down.                                                DERXWE\WKHGURXJKW´
the same corporations to cut back because water is a human

Senior Master Sgt. Carlotta Tarver, 146th                                 Master Sgt. Amy L. Ramey, 146th Airlift                             George Baskin, 412th TW, safety spe-

 Airlift Wing, Command Post superinten-                                  Wing, Command Post training manager,                                                        cialist

dent, Channel Islands Air National Guard                                    Channel Islands Air National Guard                                George Baskin presented his concerns with corporate and
  “What I’ve noticed on our base is that they have stopped                “At home we’ve started limiting the time and days we              water companies and golf courses as sources of large water
watering so all the lawns are now brown. They have replaced             water the front and back yard to two days a week. With our          consumption. With this in mind, there are opportunities to
some plants on our base with the drought resistant plants and           kids, we joke around how we will implement “combat show-            make efforts in everyday routines to conserve water. He men-
at home we are trying to do that also. I live in a condominium          HUV´LIWKH\GRQ¶WVWRSWDNLQJORQJVKRZHUV7KH\¶YHOLPLWHG       tions taking shorter showers, reducing the water used for
and our home owner’s association has also limited the watering.         their showers to 10 minutes and we’ll just turn off the water       grass, or altogether replacing and removing grass.
I don’t think the drought is going to impact my lifetime, but           if they make it any longer. We joke with them about making
unfortunately I have children and grandchildren, and obviously          it only two to three minutes and making them turn off the
the drought will impact them. Yes, it’s impacting me but it’s not       water while they lather up if they don’t start watching it. We
something that is in our faces like it will be in the future if the     want to instill those habits with them when they get older so
drought continues. My concern is if California runs out of water,       they realize water isn’t free; it’s being taken away and we
and of course the central valley, a huge farming area, and also         don’t have a lot of it. I think a lot of kids take it for granted.
where we live it’s a huge farming area. I noticed some of the           They don’t think about what’s involved and the money be-
¿HOGVDUHGRUPDQWQRZDQG,¶PVXUHLW¶VGXHWRWKHZDWHU,MXVW       hind it. We try to instill it in them and I think they’re more
heard they’re going to restrict planting new crops in Los Angeles       conscious of it now. It doesn’t bother me so much anymore
County because of the drought. For me, I don’t worry so much            that our yard is brown because everyone else’s is too. Even
about the future of it now, but if it isn’t contained and corrected     playing in the sprinklers; we don’t do that anymore because
LWZLOOLPSDFWP\IDPLO\ODWHURQ,W¶VOLNHSK\VLFDO¿WQHVV,GRQ¶W  that takes a lot of water too. On base, there’s no more wa-
want to say it wasn’t important for me, but for my generation it        tering of the grass or anything. It’s just something we’ve
wasn’t. Now these generations are coming up and it’s the same           become used to — everything being brown. Some of the
thing. You have to teach them so they can continue it. Even if we       neighbors have started planting the desert plants and not
get these torrential rains, the drought goes away, all our reservoirs   ZDWHULQJWKHLUJUDVVHLWKHU´
are wonderful and the lakes are back up, it doesn’t mean that it
can’t happen again. If you teach them and train them now, they
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