Page 17 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 8-21-15
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BULLSEYE Nellis Living 17August 21, 2015
eReceipts a hit with to the great places we are heading. Contact your cover letters, announcements, resumes and and is scheduled to be completed by Sept. 30.
military shoppers unit Air Force Ball representative for ticket marketing yourself. For more information, call
information. 702-652-3327. Airman & Family Readiness Center calendar
From the Army & Air Force Exchange Service t'JOBODJBM3FBEJOFTTGPS0ďDFSTBU'JSTU%VUZ
Women’s Equality Day Luncheon: Women’s Love and Logic Parenting Series: Family Ad-
DALLAS — Since its launch two years Equality Day spotlights the 1920 passage of vocacy is hosting the Love and Logic parenting Station — Aug. 26, 8-9 a.m.
ago, approximately 334,000 military the Amendment to the Constitution granting series at the Centennial Hills YMCA, Tuesdays t3FHJTUSBUJPOGPSDMBTTFTJTSFDPNNFOEFEڀ
shoppers who prefer the ease and organi- women the right to vote, with the hopes of at 11:00 a.m. Free childcare is provided for
zation that an electronic receipt provides educating and raising awareness in the base YMCA members. For more information, call For more information and to register, con-
have skipped the paper and had docu- populace. Come join us 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Aug. 26 702-653-3880. tact the Creech Airman & Family Readiness
mentation of their transaction emailed at The Club for a celebratory luncheon and to Center at 702-404-0864/0285.
to them when shopping at the Exchange. listen to the guest speaker, Col. Deanna Violette, ParentSupportGroup:Share common experi- ڀt$SFFDI$SPTT'JU"VHVTUTDIFEVMF
the 561st JTS commander. For more informa- ences unique to special needs families and learn Creech CrossFit classes will be held Tues-
From July 24 to Aug. 28, shoppers who tion, contact Tech. Sgt. Josefina Liles at josefina. about new information and resources. We meet days in the morning, Fridays at noon, and
enroll to receive electronic receipts and or Norma Roberts at norma. the third Wednesday of every month at the air- Mondays at 3 p.m. at the Predator Fitness
opt-in to receive special email offers man and family readiness center. Center.
from the Exchange will be automati- Reporting Suspicious Activities on or near
cally entered in the “Get Your Purchase SKYWARN Storm Spotter Class: The CREECH AIR FORCE BASE Creech Air Force Base: Please report any
Free” contest in which the Exchange will SKYWARN Storm Spotter course is taught suspicious behavior/activities observed on or
pay receipts up to $400 for five winners. by National Weather Service meteorologists Need uniform items but don’t have time to go near Creech AFB to law enforcement ASAP.
Shoppers can go to www.shopmyex- (the very ones that forecast for our area). Par- to Nellis? Creech is slated to have the ability to AFOSI can be contacted at 702-404-1613 and for contest ticipants will be educated on different types of order uniform items and have them delivered Security Forces at 702-404-3333. Members
details. severe weather, their causes, and how to report next day. Talk to your squadron leadership for are also asked to add these telephone num-
it once observed. All participants will be certi- more information. bers to cell phones so they are available to
“Receiving sales receipts by email makes fied through the NWS to observe and report contact either agency quickly when needed.
storing and organizing much easier,” any/all severe weather activity. This allows for Tired of slow cell phone service? Creech will Additionally, if you are in a group and the
said U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. weather warnings to be issued as early as pos- be debuting cellular boosters around Aug. 15 entire group observes the activity in question
Sean Applegate, the Army & Air Force sible, giving people the best chances to protect to provide improved cellular reception to all. please only have one individual from the
Exchange Service’s senior enlisted advis- themselves and their property. The NWS group contact law enforcement. If anyone has
er. “An additional benefit to an emailed depends greatly on this program to get these Volleyball court and soccer field construction: observed any suspicious behaviors/activities
electronic receipt is that it helps reduce warnings issued. This is a great way for people A new volleyball court and soccer field will not previously reported, contact AFOSI or
paper consumption, which is better for to get involved and help their community. The begin being constructed. Work began Aug. 1 Security Forces.
the environment.” course will be Saturday, Aug. 29 from 10 a.m.
to noon at the Nellis AFB base theater. It is
Registration for an electronic receipt is free for all participants and anyone with base
as easy as providing an email address access is welcome. For more information on
and phone number at checkout. the program, visit
Blood Drive Dates
NELLIS AFB COMMISSARY CLOSURE: The following dates will be located at Outdoor
Recreation with the exception of two MDG
The Commissary will be closed starting drives:
5 p.m., Aug. 25 until 8 a.m., Aug. 28 due Sept. 18
to a complete store reset of the dry and Nov. 13
frozen areas of the sales f loor. Dec. 10
Retirement: Come out to the Lightning Deployed Spouses Supporting Deployed
AMU Hangar Sept. 11 at 10:30 a.m. to cele- Spouses: Stay strong during deployments and
brate the retirement of Maj. Derek J. Plymate, meet with other deployed spouses. Share ideas,
57th Maintenance Squadron maintenance learn coping skills, socialize and more. Meetings
operations officer and program manager. are held at the Airman and Family Readiness
For more information, call Staff Sgt. Brittany Center from 11 a.m. to noon the first and third
Behnke at Monday of each month. For more information
call 702-652-3327.
Every Monday: Ready, Set, Grow at the Youth
Center 10 a.m. Workout Group: Workout with the AM-
Extreme Group at the Warrior Fitness Center.
EveryThursday:Walk-in GI Bill briefing 2 p.m. Classes include: Insanity and Ab Ripper —
Mondays and Fridays in the Cardio Room
2015 Air Force Ball: Make plans to attend this from 5:15 to 6:20 a.m. P90X — Tuesdays and
great event celebrating the men and women of Thursdays in the Cardio Room from 5:15 to
the U.S. Air Force, Sept. 26 at the South Point 6:20 a.m. YogaX — Wednesdays at Racquetball
Hotel and Casino. We will be remembering the Court three from 4:40 to 6:20 a.m. For more in-
peoplewhocamebeforeusandlookingforward formation, contact Staff Sgt. Armelyn Braceros
Resume Writing: The second Thursday of each
month, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Airman & Fam-
ily Readiness Center. Topics include networking,