Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-17-15
P. 5

Thunderbolt                                        NEWS                                                                                                                 July 17, 2015                    5                                                                                                                

Fit force ups fighting game

            by Senior Airman                       the run, 20 points for waist measurement,       plished before or after the one-and-a-half-                                                       Courtesy photo
          MARCY COPELAND                           10 points for pushups and 10 points for         mile run or two kilometer walk but the
                                                   sit-ups. All components of the assessment       order of the test usually begins with the    strength training so every Airmen can
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  must be completed within a three hour           measurements followed by the pushups,        meet any challenge they may face.
                                                   period on the same day.                         VLWXSVDQGÀQLVKHVZLWKWKHUXQ
   :KHWKHU RQFH RU WZLFH D \HDU DOO RIÀ-                                                                                                   ´$LU )RUFH SK\VLFDO ÀWQHVV VWDQGDUGV
cers and enlisted Airmen must participate             The assessment is completed by trained          In today’s changing military it is a re-  have been tailored to meet the current
LQWKH$LU)RUFH·VÀWQHVVDVVHVVPHQW              DQGFHUWLÀHGSK\VLFDOWUDLQLQJOHDGHUVRU      quirement to meet the physical standards     combat needs of the Air Force,” Philemon
                                                   DÀWQHVVDVVHVVPHQWFHOO                       of the Air Force with more emphasis be-      said. “We are part of a transitioning in-
   The purpose of the Air Force Fitness                                                            ing placed on proper dieting, cardio and     ternational military and therefore must
Program is to emphasize total fitness                 ´7KH ÀWQHVV SURJUDP LV D IRUFHZLGH                                                 HQVXUHDOOPHPEHUVDUHFDSDEOHRIÀOOLQJ
of today’s Airmen. By participating in             program which falls under each wing’s                                                        combat roles if needed.”
a year-round physical program that                 ÀWQHVV DVVHVVPHQW FHOO WR H[HFXWHµ VDLG
includes eating healthy, aerobic condi-            Senior Airman Sehne Philemon, 56th FSS
Airmen are prepared for the four testable          Fighter Wing has assigned the responsi-
components.                                        bility of administering the assessments
                                                   to a group of trained augmentees from
   “We have a physical training testing            each unit who are assigned to the FAC
program because the Air Force wants us             on 30-day rotations. The FAC is managed
to be healthy and in shape to help defend          by permanent managers who ensure all
DQGÀJKWIRURXUFRXQWU\µVDLG7HFK6JW        areas of the AFI 36-2905 are met.”
Marquita Magee, 56th Force Support
6TXDGURQ ÀWQHVV DVVHVVPHQW FHOO PDQ-              Airmen who are not medically cleared
ger. “How can we protect our country if            to complete the aerobic portion of the test
we’re not in top physical condition, which         will be tested on a two kilometer walk as
enables us to conquer the enemy and sup-           determined by the exercise physiologist
port the mission?”                                 RUÀWQHVVSURJUDPPDQDJHU:LWKDGXW\
   The overall fitness test consists of            be exempt from one or all of the testing
weight, height and waist measurements,             components.
pushups and sit-ups, and a mile-and-a-
half run performed to expectations in a               Those with duty limiting conditions
an allotted time.                                  must achieve a minimum of 75 adjusted
                                                   points, based on points available, and
   $LUPHQUHFHLYHDJHDQGJHQGHUVSHFLÀF          meet the minimum component standards.
composite scores based on the following
maximum component scores: 60 points for               Pushups and sit-ups may be accom-

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