Page 8 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, May 2021
P. 8

8       High Desert Warrior                                                                
           May 2021

   Commander of the U.S. Army

   Combat Readiness Center Visits NTC

                    By: Abe Dawoud                                                                       Hilmes also attended an unexploded ordnance (UXO) brief
                  Fort Irwin Public A airs                                                             and was briefed on how di erent agencies within the installation
                                                                                                       handle and demilitarize UXOs.
     FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Brig. Gen. Andrew Hilmes,
   Commander of the U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center, and                                               “Without a doubt, the way the NTC clears UXOs from the
   Command Sgt. Maj. William Gardener, visited the National                                            training area can be mimicked by other installations,” he said.
   Training Center and Fort Irwin on April 27.  e visit came                                           “It’s an extremely deliberate approach. Tracking UXOs from
   with a focus on interacting with the Senior Commanders’ and                                         cradle to grave is something other installations in the Army
   Garrison safety o ces to understand the challenges they face.                                       could utilize.”
     “Every installation has its own unique challenges,” said                                            During the end of his visit, Hilmes awarded Spc. Yagus the
   Hilmes. “By understanding the installation’s Army safety pro-                                       Safety Guardian Award for saving the lives of multiple soldiers
   gram, we’re able to learn and propagate best practices. But just                                    in a Humvee when the vehicle’s brakes failed.
   as importantly, we want to understand the friction points on                                          “ ere is a lot of training that goes across the Army each and
   our installations to see if we could apply resources to  x safety                                   every day, but when you look at rotational units coming here,
   issues.”                                                                                            and the amount of training done here, I don’t think any other
     During his visit to the NTC, Hilmes visited the Safety Cen-  visited the National Training Center more than a dozen times  installation handles as much large-scale training in volume like
   ter of Excellence, attended a brief at the Ammo Supply Point,   as a member of a rotational unit,” he said. “What really stands  Fort Irwin,” Hilmes said. “Many of the processes when we bring
   toured forwarding operating base Santa Fe, and attended a hot  out to me from this visit,  rst and foremost, is the reputation  in equipment by air, rail, and land, may seem like a daily routine
   refuel brief at Bicycle Lake Air eld.             of the National Training Center to provide safe, world-class  to Fort Irwin, but for the rest of the Army it is not.  ey don’t
     “I’ve been in the Army for about 26 years now, and I’ve  training to our Army.”                   have the same representatives and soldiers that Fort Irwin has.”

       Call to Virtue: Where to look when you’re struggling

          By Sgt. 1st Class Midine Beauvais                                   we have an issue. Identify the issue and the   My inner peace and strengths come
       Senior Religious A airs NCOIC, Operations Group                        root cause of this issue. Ask yourself: Is this  from God, and with the help of my fam-
                                                                              issue causing shame? Am I hiding it?  Who  ily, I continue to be spiritually resilient
         From the earliest days of my enlisting
       into the United States Army, I have always                             can I share this issue with? If I don’t get help  and strong.  So I encourage and challenge
                                                                              with this issue, how will this impact me,
       embraced the call to virtue.  e moral                                  my family and friends? Is it even possible   everyone who is reading this article to re-
       foundation of our Army is solidi ed in our                             to change my behavior without someone’s    ect on your own spirituality and identify
       highly-coveted, Seven Army Values.                                     support, why haven’t I been able to change   resources by which you feed and protect
         Each soldier is called upon to embody                                it? Who can help me with this issue?   your soul.  What do you have in your
       these values as the newfound standard                                    For me, my greatest resource is my   spiritual arsenal to guard against negativ-
       to live by upon entering our ranks. We                                 spirituality. I did not say religion, frankly,   ity, lies, and deceits? What resources do
       embrace and practice them to maintain                                  because I’m not religious.  I believe that   you have that can encourage with spiritual
       good order and discipline. Especially, in                              every person needs a resource to sustain and   virtues of love, praise and gratitude?
       the toughest of times, we learn to practice                            support their spirit and soul. Every day, we   Lastly, surround yourself with positive
       these virtues with actions, with words like                            feed our soul every day through the choices   people who always will hold you account-
       “roger” and “hooah,” and we carry on.   social conformity to appear normal. I mean   we make. As a Christian, I choose to feed   able. We all need people in our lives who
         But truth be told, tough times reveal   after all, who wants their dirty laundry be-  my soul by using the word of God.   e   are  unafraid to tell  us the truth about
       true character. Virtue sounds pleasant, until   ing aired out in public?  No one! As a result,   word of God serves as the moral compass   ourselves. As military  members, we also
       we are placed into a desperate situation and   we are left to face our inner monsters, vice,   to guide my thinking, my words, and my   have the bene t of having countless pro-
       then we become self-focused instead of   and dark secrets alone, because we are   actions.  I guard against all thing negative   fessionals who care, such as our behavioral
       virtuous towards others — that is the result   afraid of the cost of our transparency and   that I know can in uence and impact my  health professionals, our Chaplains and our
       of our imperfection. We all have issues and   vulnerability. What would people think of   emotions and feelings.  I also use prayer as  spiritual leaders. In the end, we are all in
       problems that we each wrestle over each   us, if they really knew the inner struggles   a tool when I’m happy, sad, and speci cally  this incredible Army together…and being
       day. Yet, we will do everything possible to   of our lives?            when dealing with negative in uences and  there for each other is what our virtues are
       refrain from exposing our inner con icts   First, let me tell you that you are not   energy in my surrounding.  all about.
       or our vulnerabilities. As we hide ourselves,   alone. We all have baggage. Some of this
       we resist against our inner desire to connect  baggage comes from our story, our upbring-
       with others through healthy community.  ing, or our culture. We are all di erent, but
       We hope to  nd communities that allow  each of us have our own set of struggles. If   Chaplain’s
       us to  nd others who would support us,  you are dealing with a challenge in your life
       but often these seem to only be found with  because of a bad experience, trauma, abuse,
       pretense and hiding our vices to survive.   self-induce pain, or stuck with making bad
         As a result, our deepest dark secrets, our  choices or practicing bad behavior, there is
       joys and our sorrow are suppressed by a  still hope. First, we must acknowledge that

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