Page 12 - Aerotech News and Review, November 19, 2021
P. 12

On this date ...

                                                                                                                  Nov. 24, 1959: The Hiller X-18 V/STOL (vertical/
    Nov. 20, 1953: Scott Crossfield, a National Advisory Committee for                                            short takeoff and landing) test vehicle made its
    Aeronautics (NACA) test pilot, flew a Douglas D-558-II Skyrocket                                              first  actual  flight  (above  14’),  a  conventional
    research plane to Mach 2.01 (1,272 mph) at an altitude of 62,000   Nov. 2, 1988: The B-2 Spirit bomber was first publicly displayed at U.S. Air   takeoff piloted by George L. Bright and Bruce
    feet to establish a new unofficial world’s speed record. The D-558-  Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, Calif., where it was assembled. This viewing   Jones. The X-18 was a tilt-wing proof-of-concept
    II was Phase II of a U.S. Navy/Douglas Aircraft Company/National   was heavily restricted, and guests were not allowed to see the rear of the   vehicle powered by two Allison VT40-A-14
    Advisory Committee on Aeronautics joint research project exploring   B-2. However, Aviation Week editors found that there were no airspace   turboprop engines driving contra-rotating
    supersonic flight. It was a swept-wing airplane powered by a single   restrictions above the presentation area and took aerial photographs of the   propellers. It was designed to explore V/STOL
    Reaction Motors LR8-RM-6 four-chamber rocket engine.   aircraft’s then-secret rear section with suppressed engine exhausts. The   properties in cargo-type aircraft.
                                                        B-2’s (s/n 82-1066/AV-1) first public flight was on July 7, 1989, when it flew
                                                        from Northrop’s Palmdale facility to Edwards Air Force Base.
                                        Nov. 23, 1942: The
                                        Vought V-173 “Flying
                                        Pancake” made its first
                                        flight. The V-173 featured
                                        an unorthodox “all-wing”
                                        design consisting of a
                                        flat, somewhat disk-
                                        shaped body serving
                                        as the lifting surface.
                                        Two piston engines
                                        buried in the body                                                       Nov. 25, 1940:  The B-26 Marauder,
    Nov. 21, 1947: The first prototype Grumman   drove propellers located                                        with  Martin  test  pilot  William  K.  “Ken”
                                        on the leading edge at
    XF9F-2 Panther, with test pilot Corwin “Corky”                                                               Ebel at the controls, made its first
    Myeyer, made its first flight. The Panther was   the wingtips.                                               flight. The  Martin  B-26  Marauder  was
    the  first  jet-powered  aircraft  to  be  built  by                                                         an American  twin-engined  medium
    Grumman.                                                                                                     bomber that saw service in World War II.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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