Page 6 - Aerotech News and Review, November 19, 2021
P. 6

City of Palmdale honors, celebrates veterans

   by Adrienne King
   Aerotech News
     On Nov. 11, 2021, the City of
   Palmdale held at Veterans Day cer-
   emony at Poncitlan Square. Veter-
   ans, members of the community and
   dignitaries gathered to honor all who
   severed in the military.
     Among those who spoke were
   Palmdale Mayor Steve Hofbauer,
   Palmdale City Manager J.J. Murphy,
   First Vice Commander of American
   Legion Post #348, and Kevin Sand-
   ers, Marine Veteran and 2021 Vet-
   eran of the Year. Dean Brown led
   the Pledge of Allegiance and the Na-
   tional Anthem was sung by Alexan-
   dra Mooney, and the Highland High
   School Air Force Color Guard posted
   the colors.                                                            Photographs by Adrienne King
                                 Community members salute the Highland High School Air Force color guard
                                 as the national anthem is sung by Alexandra Mooney at the City of Palmdale
                                 Veterans Day ceremony at Poncitlan Square on Nov. 11, 2021.

                                                                                             The Highland High School Air Force color guard presents the flags to the
                                                                                             crowd at the City of Palmdale Veterans Day ceremony at Poncitlan Square
                                                                                             on Nov. 11, 2021.
                                                                                             Left: Alexandra
                                                                                             Mooney sings the
                                                                                             National Anthem
                                                                                             while Steve
                                                                                             Hofbauer, Mayor
                                                                                             of Palmdale,
                                                                                             salutes at the
                                                                                             City of Palmdale
                                                                                             Veterans Day
   Kevin Sanders, 2021 Veteran of the Year, a volunteer with                                 ceremony at
   Vets4Veterans, spoke on the importance of recognizing our                                 Poncitlan Square
   veterans at the City of Palmdale Veterans Day ceremony                                    on Nov. 11, 2021.
   at Poncitlan Square on Nov. 11, 2021. Sanders explained                                   Right: Carl
   that when you see a veteran do not be afraid to thank them                                Hernandez, First
   for their service.                                                                        Vice Commander
                                                                                             of American
                                                                                             Legion Post #348.

   Above and right: Members of the American Legion Riders Post 340
   at the City of Palmdale Veterans Day ceremony at Poncitlan Square
   on Nov. 11, 2021

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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