Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 4, 2020
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2 September 4, 2020 Commentary DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa news September 4, 2020 3
United States Air Force 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing’s F-35 squadron brings home ‘top honors’
their skills and knowledge to the next
by 1st Lt. Charles Allen
generation, while learning and refining
3rd Marine Aircraft Wing
SAN DIEGO — Marines with 3rd Ma- skills of their own.”
Conducting what is considered one of
rine Aircraft Wing were recognized for
the largest aerial war games in the world
Invisible enemy their performance in Exercise Red Flag requires lengthy planning and coordi-
20-3, which took place between Aug. 3-15
nation to ensure that all participants
at the Nevada Test and Training Range
remained safe and healthy. Members of
in Southern Nevada.
Red Flag is an annual war game that the U.S. Air Force’s 99th Mission Sup-
port Group and 99th Medical Group
has continued to evolve since 1975 and at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., greatly
by Tech. Sgt. Samuel Brown men not just for them, but for my own provides Joint Forces with realistic train- supported these efforts, ensuring that all
JB San Antonio-Chapman, Texas mental health as well. We are all trying ing to help them identify and overcome participants were aware of and adhered
to adjust to our new normal and as a emerging threats. to local COVID-19 mitigation protocols.
If someone told me on Dec. 31, 2019, Reservist, we are used to interacting Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 “Our team built a great plan to keep
what was going to happen in 2020, I with each other at least once a month. was given “Top Honors” for their supe- our service members safe without com-
probably would’ve thought he or she was For many Airmen that bond and under- rior performance as they showcased the promising the rigorous training Red
crazy and needed to talk to someone. standing we get once a month cannot be squadron’s abilities to provide support Flag is known for,” said Air Force Col.
I would’ve reached out to his or her duplicated in the civilian world. and keep aircraft in the fight. VMFA-211 William Reese, the commanding officer
leadership and asked them to keep an So I encourage Airmen to reach out to returned to MCAS Yuma, Ariz., being of the 414th Combat Training Squadron
extra eye out for that individual. I think their brothers and sisters in arms, even if named the Outstanding Unit of Red Flag at Nellis. “We know our enemies won’t
anyone would be seriously concerned. it’s just to vent. We have to listen to one 20-3 after their maintenance department Marine Corps photograph by Lance Cpl. Becky call a ‘time-out’ for this pandemic. So
Think about it. That person would another and catch up because I assure was recognized for their outstanding An F-35B Lightning II assigned to Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 211, Marine we’ve focused on warfighting integra-
have said our kids won’t physically go you, that Airman understands more than effort, along with their intel unit taking Aircraft Group (MAG) 13, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW), refuels in flight with Marine Aerial tion and strengthened our partnership
back to school after spring break and we may feel they do. the “Top S-2” award. Refueler Transport Squadron (VMGR) 352 while conducting flight operations above Marine with our professional aggressor forces
would have to finish the school year We are all going through a change The fifth-generation stealth fighter has Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif., Oct. 4. The ability to refuel in to ensure we are ready to defeat any
through “Zoom.” That person would right now. Whether it’s stressing about only participated in Red Flag since 2016. flight is critical for the supportability and the sustainability of the F-35B during missions. threat.”
have said that we’d have to wear masks who’s going to watch our children this However, VMFA-211 has proven that Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211
everywhere we go. Bars, restaurants, upcoming school year and how they are with the right support, the F-35 is more commanding officer for Marine Fighter tions, which help squadrons successfully has demonstrated their ability to remain
gyms and many other places deemed going to complete their school work, to than capable of engaging multiple threats Attack Squadron 211. “This exercise re- prepare to deploy, fight, and win in any technically and tactically proficient in
unessential would be closed down. The how we are going to sanitize our kitchen simultaneously and provides the Marine ally gave us the opportunity to see where environment. all aspects of combat while practicing
government would encourage us not go counters without Lysol wipes. Corps with a valuable asset against near- we stand as a squadron, and highlights “The exercise offered an opportunity operational excellence even in the midst
to work in order to help decrease the Seriously, who has all the Lysol wipes? peer adversaries. our ability to work as a team.” for our squadron to work and overcome of a pandemic.
spread of a virus; a virus that would Human beings are social creatures “Outstanding Unit is a huge achieve- Red Flag offers more than 1,900 pos- complex problems in a scenario as close 3rd MAW continues to “Fix, Fly and
ultimately become a pandemic and dur- who need feedback and interactions. In ment that was accomplished through the sible targets, realistic air-to-air training, to combat as possible,” Freshour said. Fight” as the Marine Corps’ largest air-
ing that pandemic there’d be massive times like these, we must be the cyber efforts of our maintainers, our intel, and surface-to-air training, and the opportu- “Red Flag offered an opportunity for craft wing, and remains combat-ready,
protests around the world condemning professionals we were trained to be all of our supporting elements,” said Ma- nity for continuous day and night opera- our experienced leadership to pass on deployable on short notice, and lethal
Air Force photograph by Samantha Mathison
police brutality. by using technology to fill in the gaps Tech. Sgt. Samuel Brown, 960th Cyberspace Operations Group client systems technician, rine Corps Lt. Col. Joseph Freshour, the when called into action.
Unfortunately, that crazy person where in-person interactions are not stands for a photo outside the 960th Cyberspace Wing headquarters building Aug. 8,
would’ve been right and the few things possible. 2020, at Joint Base San Antonio-Chapman Training Annex, Texas.
I’ve listed are now a small part of our I find myself using FaceTime with Fifteenth Air Force activates, consolidates ACC’s conventional forces
new normal. more than just my mother nowadays.
As a Reserve Citizen Airman in the Being able to see the person I am com- Whereas, when I was a kid and cell person’s body language and facial expres-
United States Air Force, I find peace municating with over FaceTime gives me phones weren’t as prevalent, I’m sure sions will tell us what a person may not Fifteenth Air Force of dynamic and agile combat airpower as directed by the against emerging threats. Thank you for allowing me the
in knowing I am not the only one feel- a sense of normalcy that I feel would be someone stopping by a friend’s house say with their mouths. activated Aug. 20, 2020, National Defense Strategy,” said Gen. Mike Holmes, the great honor to be the commander of 15th Air Force and I
ing what I’m feeling at these times. All awkward if we weren’t in these current unannounced and ringing the doorbell Even though leadership is enforcing integrating wings and Air Combat Command commander. “This reorganiza- look forward to visiting all of the units in the near future.”
Reservists understand the extra respon- times. wouldn’t cause as much anxiety as it social distancing to thwart physical direct reporting units tion will streamline and improve the way we present our Fifteenth Air Force was first established in 1943 as the
sibilities we carry on top of our already Most societal and social rules are un- would today. safety concerns, this does not mean Air- from 12th Air Force and conventional forces as part of the new USAF construct, Mediterranean theater’s air force. After World War II, it
complicated civilian lives. derstood without being communicated. With that, I feel FaceTime should be men should isolate themselves in these 9th Air Force to form a while honoring our history and the dedication of our served as one of the primary numbered air forces in Stra-
In times like these, it is important For example, most would agree that a leveraged and used as a ‘stopping by a difficult times. Now, more than ever, is new numbered air force Airmen.” tegic Air Command deterring Cold War Soviet aggression
to realize we are not alone. There is an social rule for showing up to someone’s friend’s house’ type of check with our the time to lean on one another and at- responsible for generat- Following this transition, 12th Air Force will focus on before transferring to Air Mobility Command in 1992 as
invisible enemy creeping its way into our house without a text or a call first would Airmen. There is something about face- tack the invisible enemy creeping its way ing and presenting Air its component role for U.S Southern Command as 12 AF/ an expeditionary task force.
hearts and minds and we, as Airmen, equate to a social violation. Thanks to to-face communications that can’t be into all of our lives. Loneliness will not Combat Command’s AFSOUTH. Meanwhile, the existing 9th Air Force will No units will be physically moving and the majority
must take extra precautions to look out mobile technology we can communicate replicated through text or voice. Physi- be an invisible enemy in our organization conventional forces. be inactivated and AFCENT will be re-designated as 9 of affected Airmen will not experience changes in their
for our mental health and the mental at any place and at any time, for the most cally seeing an Airman’s body language if we come together and actually utilize Fifteenth Air Force is headquartered at Shaw Air Force AF/AFCENT. day-to-day operations.
health of our Airmen. part, which allows us to give a friend a and expressions can equip us with infor- the technologies we already have to stay Base, S.C. Twelfth Air Force was previously headquartered The creation of the new numbered Air Force is part Bases with units falling under the new 15th Air Force
I find myself reaching out to my Air- heads up before we stop by. mation that texts just can’t. Sometimes a connected. at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. of a larger force optimization effort within ACC, which include:
ACC’s conventional capabilities include fighter, began with the stand-up of 16th Air Force, a dedicated Creech Air Force Base, Nev. (432nd Wing)
remotely piloted aircraft, command and control, and information warfare NAF, last fall. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. (355th Wing)
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number rescue flying units plus Air-Ground Operations Airmen Maj. Gen. Chad Franks received the guidon from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event who integrate Air Force capabilities in combined arms Holmes, assuming responsibility for leading the more (366th Fighter Wing)
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. operations, the Air Force’s dedicated base defense group, than 45,000 Airmen assigned to the new NAF. Tinker Air Force Base, Okla. (552nd Air Control Wing)
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity
Desert Lightning News Staff are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national and conformity to the Associated Style Guide, to Red Horse engineers, and the agile combat support units “When I took command of 9th Air Force in June 2019, Hill Air Force Base, Utah (388th Fighter Wing)
Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political include military ranks and proper writing etiquette. that open and operate our bases. In addition to organiz- I stated we would focus on getting even better, so we could Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va. (1st Fighter Wing)
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff ing, training, and equipping ACC’s conventional forces, continue to deliver unmatched lethal fires for our joint Robins Air Force Base, Ga. (461st Air Control Wing)
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week .
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert this new NAF will also present a deployable Joint Task and coalition partners wherever it is required,” Franks Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. (20th Fighter Wing)
The appearance of advertising in this publication, The deadline for submissions to Desert Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail
CONTACT: Editorial Staff at 334-718-3509 including inserts and supplements, does not constitute Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m., Force-capable headquarters that can provide command said. “Through our joint task force-capable mission and Moody Air Force Base, Ga. (23rd Wing)
For editorial staff: e-mail an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the the week of desired publication date., and we will consider and control of integrated ACC forces. the advocacy for our units, we have done that. As 15th Air Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. (800th Red Horse)
publishing a correction when appropriate.
CONTACT: Advertising Sales at 661-945-5634 “Consolidating these forces in 15th Air Force is Force, we will continue to progress further toward that vi- Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C.
For display ads: e-mail or Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition can also be viewed online @ another step toward implementing the Air Force’s new sion and provide a lean and agile mission command and (4th Fighter Wing)
For classified ads: e-mail force generation construct and will enable the delivery control of forces to enable us to protect, deter, and deploy Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. (325th Fighter Wing)
Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. (877) 247-9288 •