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7UDLQWKHZRUOG·VJUHDWHVW)DQG)ÀJKWHUSLORWV                                                                                   Oct. 16, 2015
                                                                                                                                         Vol. 15, No. 39

INSIDE                                                  Sudden eclipse of the sun ...

„ AF, Marines swap pilots, 3
„ Norway’s first F-35 flies, 4
„ CFC, 5
„ Eat healthy on base, 10
„ Justice report, 19


                             Staff Sgt. Marcy Copeland                                                                                                                                                                                           Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan

     LAUNCH INTO HEALTH                                 The sun shines over a static display of the F-15 Eagle Sept. 29 at the Luke Air Force Base air park. The air park contains
                                                        models of nine aircraft that have served out of Luke throughout the base’s history, including the F-86 Sabre, F-100 Super
                                       See Page 12      6DEUH)6WDU¿JKWHU)3KDQWRPDQG))LJKWLQJ)DOFRQ

INDEX                                                   AOY 2015 moves to Luke
                                                              by Senior Airman                   job performance, community
Action line ............................. 2                  JAMES HENSLEY                       involvement and personal                                                                                                          Courtesy photo
Briefs..................................... 3                                                    achievements. The chief master
Spotlight ................................ 4                   56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  sgt. of the Air Force, a general        Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Cody and Scott
Diversions ........................... 20                                                        officer and selected MAJCOM             Van Cleef, Air Force Association vice chairman of the board,
Sports.................................. 23                The Air Force is made up of           command chiefs form the selec-          ÀDQN6HQLRU$LUPDQ$OOHQ&KHUU\6HSWDWDQDZDUGFHUH-
                                                        more than 307,000 Airmen. Of             tion board. The Air Force chief         PRQ\ZKHUH&KHUU\ZDVKRQRUHGDVDPHPEHURIWKH2XW-
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                       those Airmen, 12 were selected           of staff reviews the selections.        standing Airmen of the Year in National Harbor, Maryland.
                                                        as the Air Force Association’s           The 12 outstanding Airmen
   “I truly care about my Airmen. I try                 Outstanding Airmen. One of               are awarded the Outstanding
to learn the names of their spouses                     those is stationed at the 56th           Airman ribbon with the bronze
and how many children they have. It’s                   Aerospace Medicine Squadron.             service star device. They also
my job to mold them into becoming                                                                serve on the Air Force Enlisted
supervisors who will invest in the next                    Senior Airman Allen Cherry,           Council for one year.
generation of Airmen. I have a vested                   56th AMDS public health tech-
interest to prepare them for success.”                  nician, was selected as the Air             “I joined the Air Force be-
                                                        Force Medical Service 2014               cause of my father who served
    Master Sgt. Evelardo De Leon                        Public Health Airman of the              26 years in the Air Force, and
         56th Aircraft Maintenance                      Year while serving in the de-            I always knew I wanted to
                                   Squadron             ployment medicine section at             give back to the military for
                                                        Ramstein Air Base, Germany.              giving me so much including
WEATHER                                                                                          the chance to go to school and
                                                           The OAY award recognizes
                 Today                                  12 outstanding enlisted per-                                See AIRMAN, Page 11
                                                        sonnel for superior leadership,
                                                        Go to for Luke Facebook link                                         8VH\RXUVPDUWSKRQHWR
                         Cloudy, chance                                                                                                  connect to our website!
                            of thunder-
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