Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-16-15
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Thunderbolt NEWS Oct. 16, 2015 3
Airman Leadership School building. For more information, call
6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\6HQLRU$LUPDQ program is designed to integrate the Air Force and +DUOH\+HPEGDWRUHPDLODIJH#TZHVWRIÀFHQHW
DEVANTE WILLIAMS Marine training and align it as one. When we deploy
together, we will all operate the same.” AFGE cookout
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
The JSPEP moves personnel between the services to Defense Department, nonappropriated fund, Army, Air Force
Since 1941, Luke has graduated more than 61,000 help foster knowledge sharing and increase the ability Exchange Services and Defense Commissary Agency civilian
SLORWV DQG FRQWLQXHV WR JUDGXDWH ÀJKWHU SLORWV )URP to operate effectively in a joint environment. employees are invited to a picnic from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 28 at
Á\LQJPLVVLRQVWRGHSOR\PHQWVPLOLWDU\EUDQFKHVZRUN Fowler Park and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 30 at the Air Force Gov-
provided the opportunity to operate in a joint environ- food is free. The AFGE Local 1547 will talk about how the union is
The U.S. Marines and the Air Force are participating ment,” Jelinek said. “It develops interservice relation- working for members. For more information, call Silvestre Chaco
together in the Joint Service Pilot Exchange Program ships, builds understanding and helps provide common at 623-856-6957.
where a Marine pilot is being trained in the F-35 Light- ground as we move forward in the F-35 program.”
ning II program at Luke Air Force Base and Air Force Love and logic parenting
pilots will be trained by Marines. Freshour will be training in the F-35A Lightning II jet.
He will be part of the 61st FS for three and a half months at Put an end to arguing, back talk, power struggles and beg-
´,QRUGHUWR¶WUDLQOLNHZHÀJKW·WKHH[FKDQJHSURJUDP which point he will head to Nellis AFB, Nevada, to continue ging. Learn how to set limits, teach children responsibility and
offers insight into how our joint services operate,” said training with the F-35 for another two and a half years. to problem solve in Becoming a Love and Logic Parent class.
Lt. Col. Paul Jelinek, 61st Fighter Squadron director The class is 9 to 10:30 a.m. Mondays Oct. 26 through Nov. 30
of operations. “This is especially important in a multi- “Our mission at the 61st FS is to ‘Train the world’s in the Mental Health Conference Room in the 56th Medical
service, multinational F-35 program.” greatest F-35 pilots,’” Jelinek said. “We strive to gradu- Group building. To register or for more information, call Jim
ate the same high-caliber student at the end of the Yang-Hellewell at 623-856-3417.
0DM-RVHSK)UHVKRXU0DULQH&RUSVSLORWLVWKHÀUVW course regardless of background. The great thing about
Marine aviator selected for the F-35 Air Force Exchange this program is that we are capable of taking any Air (QOLVWHGYROXQWHHUVIRU276
in Operational Test here at Luke. Force, Marine or partner nation pilot and produce a
“I’m very excited to be here,” he said. “The exchange motely piloted aircraft pilots. Enlisted members may compete
THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC undergraduate RPA training. Candidates must commission
by age 35. Interested members should discuss with their
Fiscal 2016 graduates supervisor/commander and the Air Force Personnel Center
assignment team for release to compete. For more information,
61st FS............................................................ 0 56th TRS........................................................ 0 call Senior Master Sgt. Sarah Tombley, 56th Force Support
62nd FS........................................................... 0 607th ACS ..................................................... 0 Squadron, at 623-856-3246.
309th FS ......................................................... 0 372nd TRS, Det. 12....................................... 0
310th FS ......................................................... 2 56th OSS (IFTU)........................................... 0 FTAC position open
311th FS ......................................................... 1
314th FS ........................................................ 0 The First Term Airman Center is looking for a team leader.
Applications are due Nov. 6. The report-no-later-than date is
+RXUVÁRZQ 6RUWLHVÁRZQ T-Bolts 170 Luke Airmen Nov. 30. The position is open to staff or technical sergeants. For
F-35 136.3 94
F-16 387.4 303 16 countries Job fair
around the world.
The 56th Force Support Squadron Airman & Family Readi-
ness Center will host, in partnership with the Department of
Economic Security, the 2015 Job Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct.
28 at Club Five Six. More than 60 local and national employers
will attend to include federal, state, county and city government
agencies, and private sector healthcare, aviation, security,
call Edwin Robinson at 623-856-6550.
Schedule tests through AFVEC
To request a test to be scheduled, go to the Air Force
Virtual Education site, click on Online Test Requests, sub-
mit a new request, choose Luke AFB, select the test type,
choose a date and time, and alternate date and time and
submit. Education personnel will verify the information
and schedule appropriately. An automated email will be
sent with the scheduled test date. For more information,
call Melissa Hohn at 623-856-7722.
Family Child Care providers
The 56th Force Support Squadron Family Child Care
program is looking for those interested in operating an FCC
home. Requirements include that providers must be 18 or
older, speak, read and write English, have a high school
diploma or GED, are physically and mentally capable of
providing care, complete a background investigation and
all required training. Providers must also obtain required
liability insurance coverage. For a full listing of FCC regula-
tions go to AFI 34-278 on the Air Force Publications website.
The FCC also offers an infant and toddler subsidy program
for Air Force families, and the USDA Child and Adult Care
Food meal reimbursement program for providers. Parents
can request a current copy of Luke’s monthly provider list
from the FCC office, Child Development Center, youth
center, Airman & Family Readiness Center or visit www. For more information, call Alicia Powers
at 623-856-7470.