Page 38 - Images Literary Magazine 2016 - 2017.pdf
P. 38
F r e e d o m
Freedom is robin egg blue, cracking in t he soft
morning sunlight .
Bright , vibrant flowers sprout ing t hrough t he
ground, aft er a long, bland wint er
Wind flowing t hrough t he light blue sky,
unlimit ed t o what direct ion it t ravels
Salt wat er breeze on a blazing July summer
F r e e d o m
Freedom is deep sky blue.
Laught er of friends at a wild and enjoyable
Fresh air, when st epping out side on a cool part y
aut umn day
Never ending calm, before t he st orm
Fresh, warm, homemade cupcakes filling
Freedom is t he flut t er of a bird's wings, as it is
pat ient st omachs
Loved ones st epping out , wit h open arms t o
greet guest s
Oppression is old, burgundy scars, left on t he
Fireworks splashing colors, int o t he dark
broken body.
night sky
Musky, rust ed met al chains, beat en up
Delight ful children, cheering and running in
t he dist ance Sorrowful frowns, dawning t he faces of t he
Joyous feelings of seeing a friend succeed
Never ending hurricane t hat rips apart all t hat
Freedom is t he rising sun, daring t o go up
was once known
against t he dark night .
Cries for help, followed by deat hly silences
Being st ripped complet ely of individual
Op p r e s s i o n
ident it y
Oppression is rust ed red.
Oppression is t he suffocat ing feeling of
Feelings of hunger and chills running up and drowning.
down a spine
By Sara Corsi, Olivia Vallo, Bryn Afflitto, Grade 8
Screaming in t he dist ance, while gunshot s are
Sour, unsavory, smog it ching noses
Hushed children in fear for t heir lives
Murky, brown wat er seeping down t he
st ream
Choices, bet ween st arvat ion and moldy bread
Oppression is a locked cage, slowly dipping
deeper int o t he wat er.
By Juliana Guerra, Ashley Livingstone, Gillian
Schiffer, Grade 8