Page 49 - Images Literary Magazine 2016 - 2017.pdf
P. 49
D a
i e l
R o t
S a
St udent gener at ed Lit er ar y Magazine
kye S
r n n e
Recipient of Seven Aw ards of Excellence Aw arded by
i s
the National Council of English Teachers o n
Pequ an n ock Valley M iddle Sch ool - Pequ an n ock Tow n sh ip Sch ool D istr ict
Krist ina Mileski
493 N ew ar k Pom pton T u r n pike - Pom pton Plain s, N J 0 70 444
Images 2016- 2017
Ol iv ia St r umo l o
Ni n a Sy d o r y k
Jade Szostak
Jaely n D i as
Ekat eri na Deni senko
Emma Dur r
Carlin Facella
Pri ya Wi nn
All images used are either original student creations or from public domain /
creative commons with attribution CCO. This publication was made through
a collaborative effort using the software Lucidpress. We LOVED it!
Thank you to the PV Staff members for contributing pieces for
consideration. Thank you Ms. Codey for sharing her students'
works of art. Thank you Mr. Hayzler and Mr. Seborowski for
supporting the importance of the magazine to PV School. Thank
you to the school district for including the magazine in its yearly
budget. n e r
S u m
A n n
ur r
kye D S