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The hot water pipes were being insulated We also saw an accelerating pump to keep and the insulation came fromNewalls the hot water circulating so that in one part Insulation Company, Washington Station, of the building the water would not be Durham. hotter than in another. The woodwork room ceiling and the In the science room the gas pipe channels gymnasium ceiling had been finished. All were being cut in the floor. The bricklayers the radiators were in position in the were on the last lap of the boys lavatories. gymnasium. The Granwood Flooring A tractor was at work behind the school Company of Derbyshire are supplying the ploughing the ground so that it can be flooring for the woodwork room. levelled for the playground to be asphalted. The boy’s lavatories were being built and Men were putting up expanding metal in the the girls lavatory foundation had been dug central hall ready for the plasterers. Hot out. The plumbers had been fixing in hot water engineers were at work in the water boilers and an electric booster. The building. plumbers came from the Pulsometer Company. 11-9-1939 33rd Week On our tour of the building we saw a labourer mixing plaster. The plaster The whole of the building had been consisted of three parts sand and one part completely roofed in and the tilers were lime with a handful of cows hair to bind it. working on the last section. We visited the boiler room in the basement The floor in the woodwork room was being and there we saw a double furnace boiler laid, and channels for the gas pipes had which measured 8ft x 5ft x 5ft. This boiler, been cut in the science room. we were told, would burn 5 tons of coke a A kinnear patent roller shutter from week. In another room we saw the boiler Twickenham had been placed in position at which would supply water for the cookery the front of the stage in the central hall and centre, shower baths and washing basins. the plasterers had been working there all the We also saw two pumps, one a stand-by, to week. keep the water circulating, if one pump The painters had started to work. They had failed the other would come into action. In put on three coats of paint - the first coat the woodwork room channels had been cut was red, the second black and the third a in the floor for the gas pipes. black gloss A tractor was levelling the play ground ready for the asphalt. Outside a three inch 18-9-1939 34th and 35th weeks water main had been laid. The roof was being put on the boys lavatories and the When we visited the building again we south block. noticed that a great deal of work had been done. 4-9-1939 32nd Week Outside a cover for the fuel chamber had been made and trenches for a land drain had When we visited the building this week we been dug. noticed that a man was making plaster and Inside, the painters were busy painting the we stopped to watch him. He used three window frames. The floorers had floored parts of sand to one part of hydrated lime the woodwork room, a sitting room, two and a little cows hair to bind it together. craft rooms, and they were working in The large boiler in the stoke hole had two another craft room. The patterns for the furnaces each and they took an immense floors were the herring bone and basket amount of fuel. They will take about five pattern.. tons of coke a week because the water has During the week the floorers had to stand to be kept hot for the cookery centre, the off for two days as the floods in the shower baths and the wash basins. Midlands held up the lorry carrying the flooring. 12
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