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                                           Accident Investigation Form                                  Issue 1

               4. Nature of Injury

              Part(s) of Body Affected?                                                 Body Side?   Left

                     Amputation               Crush Injury                Fracture          Multiple Injuries
                     Bite / Sting          Cut / Laceration       Inhalation / Ingestion      Puncture Wound
                 Bruise / Abrasion             Dislocation            Internal Injury             Shock
                    Burn / Scald            Electric Shock      Loss of Consciousness        Strain / Sprain
                    Concussion           Foreign Body in Eye           Loss of Sight            Whiplash
                         Other   (State what)

             5. Site

              Bridge/Viaduct/Arch          Office        Signal box      Track or Line-side     Workshop
                        Depot        On Board Train        Station             Tunnel              Yard
                  Level Crossing     Public Highway         Other   State where

              Was the Site
                                  Yes           No                        Indoors       or      Outdoors

              Lighting            Bright Sunlight       Daylight         Floodlight       Headlamp / Torch
                             Dawn / Dusk / Twilight      Electric Bulb      Fluorescent      Tunnel Lights
                          Darkness (no artificial light)      Other   State what

              Weather      Bright Sunlight       Falling Rain               Frost          Lightning / Storm
                           Dull / Overcast      Falling Snow             High Wind                 Mist
                              Fair / Fine          Freezing       Indoor / Under Cover          Thick Fog
                         Other   State what

             6. Workforce

              Occupation    Depot / Yard Staff      Office Staff         Trackside Staff     Workshop Staff
                                    Other   State what

              Based at: (Home Depot / Office)

              Safety Critical Worker:   Yes      No             Normal Activity:   Yes      No

              Duties:    Emergency Call Out      Ordinary     Overtime      Rest Day Worked      Sunday
                                   Other   State what

              Level of Supervision:   Working with others supervised      Working under direct supervision      Working alone
                                 Working with others unsupervised        Supervising others

              Substance Abuse Test:   Blood        Breath          Urine            Not Tested

               Result (if tested):                                     Medical Limitations:   Yes     No

             7. Activity

              Underfoot Surface Conditions
                        Ballast       Concrete         Earth          Lino         Paving          Tiles
              Brick / Paving Blocks     Carpet        Gravel         Metal         Tarmac         Wood
                         Other  State

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