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                                        Accident, Incident and Near Miss                             Issue No:05
                                              Reporting & Investigation                              25/07/2017

               personal data and for further data entry or amendment by nominated updaters within one normal office
               working day of the accident.

               6.3    Production of Accident Book and Request for Investigation
               The PHoSS will issue the Accident Book Entry on request where required by either the affected person or
               another interested party. The investigation will normally be carried out by the PHoSS with input from those
               involved whether directly or indirectly.

               6.4    Investigation, reports and time scales – Near Miss, Damage Only, Minor Accidents,
                      Restricted Work Condition, Lost Time Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

               6.4.1   The PHoSS will investigate the accident and record the initial findings on an approved form or
                      directly  into  the  AIRline  database.  Normally,  Network  Rail  accident  forms  will  be  used.  Other
                      approved forms may be used subject to the circumstances.

               6.4.2   The  initial  investigation  should,  ideally,  be  completed  within  four  working  days  of  the  accident,
                      Where  RIDDOR  applies  the  initial  investigation  should  take  place  as  soon  as  reasonably
                      practicable  but  not  later  than  ten  working  days  after  the  accident  so  as  to  enable  accurate
                      reporting to the Office of Rail Regulation.

               6.5    Investigation, reports and time scales - actual and potential RIDDOR reportable Accidents

               6.5.1   Where the accident outcome or potential outcome is described above then a Manager, not directly
                      responsible for the employee or contractor involved, shall be appointed to lead a formal inquiry
                      into the accident, building on to or substituting for the initial investigation.

               6.5.2   The report should be accompanied by recommendations for actions to address the underlying
                      causes of the accident. The report of the inquiry shall be recorded by the PHoSS and a hard copy
                      submitted to the Senior Manager of the affected person as soon as it is finalised.

               6.5.3   An agreed action plan shall be produced  as part of the investigation and  actions closed out in
                      accordance with the allocated timescales,

               6.6    Investigation, reports and time scales – actual and potential Fatalities
               Senior Managers, not directly responsible for the employee or contractor involved, shall be appointed as
               above to carry out the investigation. The PHoSS will be available to assist.

               6.7    Review of Actions taken following an Accident
               All accident action plans should be reviewed by the Line Manager to ascertain if the actions have been
               taken, and to check that they are proving effective in the prevention of accident reoccurrence. The review
               date and findings should be recorded by the PHoSS. This review should normally take place three months
               after the accident, unless otherwise agreed when the action plan is accepted, in which case the
               nominated review date should be recorded by the PHoSS subject to an overall maximum review period of
               six months.

               6.8    Variation to arrangements
               Any variation to this procedure will be subject to prior approval by the Chief Executive Officer and the
               PHoSS. Variations will only be considered if they demonstrate a robust and objective means of
               appropriately investigating and taking corrective action against accident reoccurrence.

               S:\Resource Management\On-Call\On-Call  Folder 5.6.18\9. AccidentIncident Near Miss Reporting & Investigation\SP002 Accident Incident Near Miss Reporting & Investigation
               Issue 05 25-07-2017.doc
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