Page 33 - On Call folder
P. 33


               Dear «Forename»,

               Re: Contractor Vehicle Agreement

               If  you  are  required  to  drive  a  vehicle  which  is hired  &  insured  through  RT  Infrastructure
               Solutions Ltd (RTIS) you are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to ensure the vehicle
               is kept in good condition and driven safely at all times and for ensuring the vehicle is checked
               and maintained as required and at the correct intervals.  Prior to RTIS supplying a vehicle to
               you, RTIS will check your current driving license to ensure you are entitled to drive the class
               of vehicle being provided. It is your responsibility to notify RTIS of any prosecutions (including
               pending) and any medical restrictions that occur after this check is performed.

               Your  supplying  company  will  be  required  to  pay  any  fines,  penalties  and  any  associated
               administration costs for parking or traffic offences incurred when you are using a vehicle in
               the performance of your duties or otherwise. You will be responsible for all associated fuel

               An excess of £500.00 is applicable should the vehicle be involved in a road traffic accident, or
               damaged in any way whilst being driven by you or in your care, and this amount will be due
               from your supplying company should an excess amount be applicable.

               You will report any incident involving the vehicle within 24 hours to RTIS. You will obtain all
               relevant and lawfully required documentation from any other party involved in any accidents
               or incidents.

               You will not permit any other person to drive the vehicle nor will you carry unauthorised
               passengers, other than as specifically authorised in writing by RTIS.

               If applicable to the vehicle, you will be issued with a Driver Fob for use with the tracker
               system. If the fob is lost there will be a replacement cost of £15.00 due from your supplying
               company. You must log in with your fob whenever driving an RTIS vehicle equipped with a
               tracker system. A demonstration of the system will be given prior to taking the vehicle.

               Interference with the tracker system is not permitted under any circumstances and all costs
               incurred  to  repair /  replace  /  rectify  any  damage  will  be  charged  back to  your  supplying
               company. This does not fall under the insurance excess and all costs incurred will be charged
               to your supplying company.

               DRIVER: I «Forename» «Surname» confirm that I fully understand and agree to the above
               terms and conditions.

               Signed: ………………………………………..……                    Date: ……………………………
               «Forename» «Surname»
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