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of important factors that helped shaped them to achieve their influences such as the ponche the Abulita and Navidad /Posada
most memorable jobs up to date. traditional festivities can also be expected.
According to Nolasco an article written by Farley Elliott for Eater The traditional drink menu has an elaborate list of cocktails,
Los Angeles on Va’La’s establishment beers, spirits and wines. The team created the drinks list with
every detail kept in mind involving Los Angeles influences and its
was the recognition they had patiently been waiting for. Within history, although subtle hints of their Latin roots do showcase in
four days of the articles release Big Beach Production Company some of their drinks.
reached out for a project collaboration for a cable television show
on Starz. “We have a tequila cocktail called Acapulco Blue, we also have
the Zanjero, back in the Alta California days inspired by when
According to Nolasco an article written by Farley Elliott for Eater LA first started. Historically it was a person in charge of the
Los Angeles on Va’La’s establishment was the recognition they water the Zanjero had a higher position of power and higher pay
had patiently been waiting for. Within four days of the articles than the mayor of LA because that appointed person oversaw the
release Big Beach Production Company reached out for a project water,” said Diaz. “Without the Zanjero there was no water for
collaboration for a cable television show on Starz. the city so he had a big responsibility, we added that influence on
“ We created a five-year business plan for a bar that the menu it’s a mescal drink, a variation of a Negroni.”
doesn’t exist,” said Nolasco."
When the article was released their office in Boyle Heights
began to receive multiple job and project offerings and eventually
the momentum developed a snowball effect they haven’t been
able to slow down since.
“A lot of the things that we do is by the fucken heel of our boot, "We share the customers betst interest at heart." MELENDREZ
we just say hopefully this will work out,” said Melendrez. “We act
from the heart.”
With the success Va’La Hospitality has brought the trio they
believe its surreal to look back to a time when they used to stay
up for hours, having multiple conversations on their strategies of
one day owning their own bar.
The current bar was already an infatuation and favored location
of theirs described Melendrez, the convenience of the area,
unique décor, and good drinks were some of the reasons why
they cared for the Westbound so much.
While rebranding the bar along with its menu, the trio decided
to maintain the interior design by only adding some minimal It is a mutual understanding by the trio that people have options
changes to the decor.
and choices, if customers select their bar to be their “spot to hang
“We kept and preserved the place for what it is, because the place out” they want customers to enjoy themselves and to never regret
is absolutely stunning inside, this is honestly for me one of the their choice.
better-looking bars in LA,” said Diaz. “We just fine tuned some Past 10 p.m. Melendrez is standing by the bar talking about
of the art work, we added a mural behind the bar, some new upcoming plans with a customer when an elder gentleman
pieces of art, added to the patio furniture and were still not done, dressed in grimy pants and a light coat stumbles through the door
in the back patio we plan to add a mural soon.”
making his way to the bar, Melendrez approaches him quickly
he interior is inspired by the grand station and what exchanges a few words and the gentleman calmly turns around
used to be the old train depo, in the center of the bar a and steppes out.
TSciolari cubic chandelier from the 1960’s hangs creating
a sophisticated feel to the room. The history of California is what In a matter of seconds Melendrez made his way through the
kitchen doors and returned with a drink in hand and some food.
the Va’La trio agreed to keep in mind when creating the cocktail As he stepped outside and handed the elder gentleman a drink
program and menu, they wanted to pay homage to the city of and a meal, the man’s expression of gratitude reflected across his
Los Angeles, the people and its history.
scruffy face.
The menu has been created to change along with the seasons Melendrez returned to the bar without skipping a beat and
and multiple future projects are on the works shared Melendrez. continued to talk about their upcoming plans.
A summer menu will take place with the collaboration of
architecture students who attend SCI-Arc School, conveniently “We make sure to take good care of the neighborhood. We don’t
located across the street from the bar. forget where we come from and we don’t exploit our neighbor-
hood,” said Melendrez. “We share the customers best interest at
As well, a full programing for the upcoming 31+ days of heart.”
Christmas will take place as The Miracle on Santa Fe, DJ’s,
Carolers, and a Santa Clause will also be included. Latin Written by Jessica Araujo