Page 17 - EXPRESS- October 2018
P. 17


                                                                                                        CLOSE-OUT SCHEDULE
         Destination         Special Delivery Upgrade         Surcharge (£)  Monday    Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday     Friday    Saturday    Sunday
         Hong Kong           09:00 2nd day delivery, from late flight  45.00  19:00     19:00      19:00
         Hong Kong           12:00 2nd day delivery, from late flight  25.00  19:00     19:00      19:00
         Hong Kong           22:00 Next day delivery, from late flight  145.00  19:00   19:00      19:00      19:00       19:00                 11:00  1
         Hong Kong           20:00 Next day delivery, from afternoon flight  85.00      15:00  2   15:00  2     15:00  2
         Hong Kong           09:00 Monday delivery, from Fri / Sat flight  45.00                                          19:00      11:00
         Hong Kong           12:00 Monday delivery, from Fri / Sat flight  25.00                                          19:00      11:00
         Hong Kong           20:00 Tues delivery, from additional afternoon flight  105.00  15:00  2
         Hong Kong           09:00 Saturday delivery, from Thursday late flight  60.00                        19:00                                                  HONG KONG
         Hong Kong           12:00 Saturday delivery, from Thursday late flight  45.00                        19:00
         Hong Kong           20:00 Saturday delivery, from Friday afternoon flight  115.00                                 15:00  2
         Hong Kong           12:00 Sunday delivery, from Friday late flight  120.00                                       19:00
         Hong Kong           22:00 Sunday delivery, from Saturday flight  150.00                                                     11:00
         Hong Kong +  3      Delivery schedule as per HKG        45.00     Flights 1/2  Flights 1/2  Flights 1/2  Flights 1/2  Flights 1/2  11:00  11:00  1
        1  Sunday Premium Services must be pre-booked by 11:00 Saturday and are subject to an additional surcharge of 90.00.
        2  Flight requires pre-booking.
        3  (HKG +) refers to Discovery Bay, Lantau, Chek Lap Kok (Airport) & Tung Chung.

        IMPoRt sERvICEs

        gLobAL IntEgRAtoR IMPoRt CoURIER - DooR to AIRPoRt RAtEs                                              - fULL IntEgRAtoR sERvICE fRoM DooR
                                                                                                                  IMPORT RATES
         Origin                  Code              1st Kilo          5 kilos          10 kilos          20 kilos          30 kilos          45 kilos
         Hong Kong                HKG              39.94             58.22             83.16             127.96       175.83 ( Economy )  228.98 ( Economy )
        gLobAL IntEgRAtoR RAtEs ARE ExAMPLE onLy - foR fULL RAtEs PLEAsE REfER to oUR Roo gLobAL IntEgRAtoR tARIff, IssUED sEPARAtELy

                                                                                                                      - fULL Roo sERvICE fRoM DooR
        PREMIUM IMPoRt CoURIER - DooR to AIRPoRt RAtEs
         Origin               Code        Collection/Export     -10           +10             +20             +30             +45          Clearance / CFL
         Hong Kong             HKG            17.25           5.95            5.65            5.45            5.25            5.01            0.00

        ExPREss (hybRID) IMPoRt CoURIER - DooR to AIRPoRt RAtEs                                      - Roo LoCAL CoLLECtIon / IntEgRAtoR
         Origin                      Code             Collection/Export         -10                +10                 +20                  +30
         Hong Kong                   HKG                  68.00               12.10                8.31                6.89                 6.69

        DESTINATION SPECIFIC NOTES AND GUIDELINES (Hong Kong) - Please refer to page 49.
        GENERAL NOTES AND GUIDELINES (Express) - Please refer to page 48.                                                                                         15
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