Page 47 - EXPRESS- October 2018
P. 47


                                                                                                        CLOSE-OUT SCHEDULE
         Destination         Special Delivery Upgrade         Surcharge (£)  Monday    Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday     Friday    Saturday    Sunday
         Bangkok             09:00 2nd day delivery             45.00         17:00  3    17:00  3  17:00  3  17:00  3                          11:00  2
         Bangkok             12:00 2nd day delivery             25.00         17:00  3    17:00  3  17:00  3  17:00  3                          11:00  2
         Bangkok             09:00 3rd day delivery             45.00       19:10       19:10      19:10  1                                     11:00  2
         Bangkok             12:00 3rd day delivery             25.00       19:10       19:10      19:10  1                                     11:00  2
         Bangkok             09:00 Monday delivery, from Saturday  45.00                                                             11:00
         Bangkok             12:00 Monday delivery, from Saturday  25.00                                                             11:00
         Phuket & Chiang Mai  Guaranteed 3rd working day delivery  190.00   17:00  3   17:00  3    17:00  3   17:00  3
         Phuket & Chiang Mai  Guaranteed 4th working day delivery  65.00    17:00  3   17:00  3    17:00  3   17:00  3
         Phuket & Chiang Mai  18:00 Saturday delivery, from Wednesday  210.00                      17:00  3
         Thailand            Above service options beyond Bangkok  Request  Many areas available, please call our Customer Services for a specific quotation.

        1  Saturday Special Delivery Upgrades are subject to an additional surcharge of 25.00.
        2  Sunday Special Delivery Services must be pre-booked by 11:00 Saturday and are subject to an additional surcharge of 90.00.
        3  Requires Pre-booking.

        IMPoRt sERvICEs                                                                                                                                             Bangkok and rest of | THAILAND

        gLobAL IntEgRAtoR IMPoRt CoURIER - DooR to AIRPoRt RAtEs                                              - fULL IntEgRAtoR sERvICE fRoM DooR
                                                                                                                  IMPORT RATES
         Origin                  Code              1st Kilo          5 kilos          10 kilos          20 kilos          30 kilos          45 kilos
         All Thailand            BKK (+)           39.94             58.22             83.16             127.96       175.83 ( Economy )  228.98 ( Economy )
        gLobAL IntEgRAtoR RAtEs ARE ExAMPLE onLy - foR fULL RAtEs PLEAsE REfER to oUR Roo gLobAL IntEgRAtoR tARIff, IssUED sEPARAtELy

        PREMIUM IMPoRt CoURIER - DooR to AIRPoRt RAtEs                                                                - fULL Roo sERvICE fRoM DooR
         Origin               Code        Collection/Export     -10           +10             +20             +30             +45          Clearance / CFL
         Bangkok               BKK            120.00          0.00            7.68            7.68            7.68            7.68           12.50
         Other, Thailand         BKK +           foR A qUICk AnD CoMPEtItIvE qUotE, PLEAsE CALL CUstoMER sERvICEs.

        ExPREss (hybRID) IMPoRt CoURIER - DooR to AIRPoRt RAtEs                                      - Roo LoCAL CoLLECtIon / IntEgRAtoR
         Origin                      Code             Collection/Export         -10                +10                 +20                  +30
         Bangkok                      BKK                 65.03               12.10                8.31                6.89                 6.69
         Other, Thailand               BKK +                   foR A qUICk AnD CoMPEtItIvE qUotE, PLEAsE CALL CUstoMER sERvICEs.
        Roo CoLLECtIon foR EnhAnCED LoCAL hAnDLIng, wIth thE Cost bEnEfIt of bEIng REtURnED to LhR vIA An IntEgRAtoR sERvICE. thE bEst of both woRLDs.

        DESTINATION SPECIFIC NOTES AND GUIDELINES (Thailand) - Please refer to page 53.
        GENERAL NOTES AND GUIDELINES (Express) - Please refer to page 48.                                                                                         45
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