Page 4 - White Paper-Independent Contractor Laws
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assignment. Ancillary support services (IT consultants, payroll or accounting
services) are generally permissible to engage on a contracted services basis,
assuming the other tests are met (actual independence and provision of similar
services to others), and assuming those are not your core business activities. Gray
areas abound. If you operate a restaurant, it is likely that you can hire a webmaster
as an independent contractor, but if you operate an online store, an argument could
be made that the website is part of your usual course of business, and therefore
should be managed and staffed by employees under the law.
It is truly surprising how many businesses in Massachusetts get this wrong,
so you should not assume a practice of using independent contractors instead of
employees is lawful, even if it is common in your industry.
Further, it is important to understand the potential consequences under
Massachusetts law of incorrectly classifying workers, even if your classification
passes muster under the federal tax rules.
First, a violation of the Independent Contractor Law is a violation of the
Wage Act, which means that if an employee wins a lawsuit and proves damages,
slnlaw LLC
46 South Main Street Sharon MA 02067 781-784-2322