Page 81 - USX Driver Handbook
P. 81
wireless earpieces (headsets) are permitted as long as the device is able to
initiate, answer or terminate a call by touching a single button while the
driver is in the seated driving position and properly restrained by a seat
Absolutely no texting while driving! Use of laptops, portable
DVD players or personal GPS while driving is also prohibited.
DriverTech / Satcom Use
DriverTech or Satcom units are useful tools to provide to you
real time information about your load, hazardous conditions, weather
conditions and directions. However, as with GPS units, radios and other
in-cab technologies, the use of the DriverTech or Satcom units should be
limited while the truck is in motion. It is our expectation that our drivers
will focus their full attention on the task of driving and will read and
respond to satellite communications when the unit is safely stopped. We
recognize that there will be circumstances when you will need to view
satellite data while the unit is in motion. As a professional driver, we
expect you to use sound judgment and minimize the risk associated with
such activities.
Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) previously known as
CSA 2010 was implemented nationwide in December 2010. CSA is not
a regulation change; instead, it is a new scoring model that provides
the FMCSA the opportunity to identify carriers and drivers who may
be at risk of being involved in a crash and prioritize them for potential
The CSA Safety Measurement System (SMS) is designed to evaluate
the safety performance of carriers and drivers by looking at seven
Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories, (also known as
1. Unsafe Driving- Operation of CMVs in a dangerous or careless
manner. Example violations: speeding, improper lane change,
seat-belt, following too close, reckless driving, failure to obey
traffic control device.
2. Fatigued Driving- Operation of CMVs by drivers who are
ill, fatigued, or in non-compliance with the Hours of Service
regulations. Example violations: HOS, logbook violations
and operating a CMV while ill or fatigued. The FMCSA has
announced that in December 2012 this BASIC will be renamed
the Hours of Service (HOS) Compliance BASIC.