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            FOUNDATION BOARD         HOSPITAL                  PACIFIC CENTRAL           HEALTH SERVICES OF
            Rob Buchanan, Chair      COMMUNITY BOARD           COAST HEALTH              THE PACIFIC CENTRAL
            Denise Valente, Vice Chair   Terry Fibich, Chair   CENTERS BOARD             COAST BOARD
            Michael Galloway, Treasurer  Angelica Gutierrez, Vice Chair  Robert Freeman, Chair  Sister Pius Fahlstrom, OSF, Chair
            Cynthia Schur, Secretary  Rebecca Alarcio, Secretary  Sister Pius Fahlstrom,   Robert Moss, MD,
            Al Schultz, Jr., MD,     Jacqueline Frederick, Esq.,   OSF, Vice Chair         Vice Chair/Secretary
             Immediate Past Chair      Immediate Past Chair    David Merlo, Secretary/Treasurer  Brian Desmond, MD
            George J. Adam           Lupe Alvarez              Gene Alarcon,             Jay King
            Mitch Ardantz            Carolyn Baldiviez, DDS      Immediate Past Chair    Ann Marsalek, RN, Ret.
            Gregory Beebe            Peggy Blough              Carrick Adam, MD          Jeffrey Spoo, MD
            Yvonne Biely             Kathy Castello            Judy Frost                Charles J. Cova, SVP
            Michael Bouquet          Kevin Ferguson, MD        Patricia Gomez              Operations, Dignity Health
            Paul Castello, MD, Chief of Staff  Steve Flood, DDS  Tom Martinez
            Jason M. Diani           Michael S. Hardy, Esq.    Ruth Moran
            Robert Dichmann, MD      Sister Sheral Marshall, OSF  Sister Jeanne Rollins, OSF
            Sister Pius Fahlstrom, OSF  Mike McNulty           Charles J. Cova, SVP
            Marcy Ginkel             Juan Reynoso, MD,           Operations, Dignity Health
            Laura Hoffman King         President, Medical Staff
            Barbara Johnson          Sister Carol Snyder, OSF
            Sofia Lariz              Sister Barbara Staats, OSF
            George M. Murphy         Kevin G. Walthers, Ph.D.
            Mary Oates, MD           Joseph Will
            Joe Olivera, Honorary    Paul Castello, MD, Chief of Staff
            Lauren Pincot            Rob Buchanan, Chair,
            Carol Reiner, Honorary     MRMC Foundation Board
            Anne Rigali              Kathy Tompkins, Chair,
            Inga Schlosser, Chair, Volunteer   AGCH Foundation Board
             Services Leadership Council  Charles J. Cova, SVP
            Christina H. Slimack       Operations, Dignity Health
            Sue Sword, Honorary      Kerin A. Mase, President & CEO
            Jeff York
            Charles J. Cova, SVP
             Operations, Dignity Health
            Kerin A. Mase, President & CEO
            Stephanie M. Grogan,
             Service Area Vice President,
            Jessa A. Brooks,
             Vice President, Philanthropy

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