Page 16 - LRCC November 2024 FOCUS
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CaTalysTs for Change
The second construction phase will include the MIDWEST ACE: INVESTING IN HASLETT
commercial side, including new Capital Area Housing
Partnership offices, a daycare, and an auditorium. That Midwest Power Equipment, founded in 1980, is a
work could wrap up next summer, Henry said. second-generation, family-owned business specializing
in new, aftermarket, and pre-owned OEM parts.
“By having the residential portion there and then our
nonprofit there as a hub, it really provides all of the The company recently invested in the construction of a
resources you might need, whether you’re a parent new 35,080-square-foot building at 7410 East Saginaw
picking up a kid from daycare and also are looking for Highway in Haslett, including a new Midwest Ace store
financial education or one of our residents that needs in the design.
some help,” Henry explained. “It really should be an
improvement for both us and the community to have one Jon Brown bought the Midwest Power Equipment from
central location that’s easy to access, and that will be able his parents after a career as a General Motors engineer.
to serve all of those individuals.” He applied to steward an Ace store so the business
could thrive into the future.
The partnership’s headquarters at the Neighborhood
Empowerment Center on the former Michigan School for “As a power equipment dealer, you kind of realize
the Blind campus will become the expanded offices of a that there’s a ceiling to that, so we started looking
nonprofit refugee development center. at different opportunities to grow and be a part of
the community and provide a place for some of my
Henry said Walter French affordable housing tenants employees to retire,” explained Brown. “And Ace really
will include people making up to 80 percent of the area fit the mold.”
median income, or about $50,000 for a one-person
household. Brown said the Ace Hardware partnership means Midwest
Power Supply continues to sell its niche power equipment
“Affordable housing is workforce housing,” Henry said. parts, but clientele can now also buy traditional
“At $50,000, we’re talking about starting medical hardware store goods and a wider variety of tool
workers, police officers, state employees. So brands like DeWalt and Milwaukee. The
when we develop affordable housing, customer base is a mix of residential
we’re supporting the local economy and commercial clients.
and those essential workers
who are living near their jobs in WE ARE TRYING EVERY DAY The expansion has allowed
the communities they work in, Midwest Power Supply to double
supporting local businesses. TO BETTER its staff size to 43 employees.
“Providing housing at all levels of the Brown said he’s always looking
spectrum — market rate, affordable, SO THAT WE CAN PROVIDE for ways to grow the business,
and permanent supportive — allows SERVICE THAT IS TOP NOTCH. particularly as his industry faces
us to be a deeper region and a more increasing competition from
attractive place to come and work.” JON BROWN online retailers.
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