Page 7 - LRCC November 2024 FOCUS
P. 7                                                                  CALENDAR OF EVENTS

        November 2024

                  FIRST FRIDAY PUBLIC AFFAIRS                             NOVEMBER MEMBER MIXER

          11/1    CALL UPDATE                                    11/12    Tuesday, Nov. 12, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
                  Friday, Nov. 1, from 11 to 11:30 a.m.                   Capital Region International Airport,
                  via ZOOM                                                4100 Capital City Blvd., Lansing
        Join us every First Friday of the month for an insightful         The Capital Region International Airport and
        briefing on policy and political developments           Eaton RESA are co-hosting a member mixer to show
        impacting the business community. Hosted by LRCC        the importance of business and education partnerships
        Public Affairs Senior Vice President, Steve Japinga,    and the Aviation Careers Institute.
        these monthly calls are designed to keep our members    Cost: No cost to attend.
        informed and engaged.
        Cost: No cost to attend.                                          POLICY & REGULATORY SERIES:
                                                                          LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW
                  CELEBRATION OF REGIONAL                        11/13    UPDATE – PAID SICK LEAVE &

          11/6    GROWTH AWARDS                                           MINIMUM WAGE UPDATE
                  Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 11:30 a.m. to                   Wednesday, Nov. 13, from noon to 1 p.m.
                  1:30 p.m.                                     Lansing Regional Chamber, 500 E. Michigan Ave.,
                  Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center,            Suite 200, Lansing
                  219 S. Harrison Road                          The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
        As part of the Lansing Economic Club speaker series,    Policy and Regulatory Education Series provides
        the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce will           members with opportunities to hear from experts
        honor five organizations for their investments that are   on specific policy and regulatory issues that may
        reshaping and transforming our region during the 19th   impact businesses at the federal, state or local level of
        annual Celebration of Regional Growth (CORG) Awards.    government. Attorneys from Foster Swift will provide
        Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost for Lansing        employment and labor law updates pertaining to
        Economic Club members, $60 for LRCC members and         changes to paid sick leave and minimum wage.
        $90 for future LRCC members.                            Cost: No cost to attend.

               Does your community                                        ATHENA WIN: HOLIDAY
                     feel scattered?                             11/13    CELEBRATION
                                                                          Wednesday, Nov. 13, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
                                                                          The University Club of MSU,
                              15  16   17  18                             3435 Forest Rd., Lansing
                     13                        19               Celebrate the holiday season with ATHENA WIN at the
                  12                               20           University Club of MSU! Enjoy DJ Trivia bingo, a chef
                                                                demo, delicious appetizers, desserts and more. Don’t
               11                                    21
                                                                miss out on this festive annual event - space is limited.
             10                                                 Cost: Tickets are $50 for ATHENA WIN members and
                                                                $60 for future ATHENA WIN members.
               7                                  25               VIRTUAL LRCC BUSINESS
                  6                                                       ROUNDTABLES
                     5                1        27
                         4   3    2
                                       31      28                     Please note all Business Roundtables are
                                          30   29                               virtual in November.
                                                                      Delta Township-            East Lansing-
                                                                       Eaton County            Meridian Township
            Connect the dots with strategic storytelling            Wednesday, Nov. 6,        Wednesday, Nov. 20,
                                                                      from 9 to 10 a.m.         from 9 to 10 a.m.
                                                                  Lansing-Delhi Township        Clinton County
                                                                    Wednesday, Nov. 13,        Wednesday, Nov. 27,
            Community-Building Creative                               from 9 to 10 a.m.         from 9 to 10 a.m.

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