Page 8 - LRCC January 2025 FOCUS
P. 8

Leadership Lansing Explores Local Government,

        Civility and Regional Impact

           n the aftermath of the November election, the 2024-  unique assets that help make the Lansing region the
           25 Leadership Lansing cohort had the opportunity     best place to live and work.
       Ito meet with several local elected officials to learn
        more about what they do and how it impacts citizens     For more information about the Leadership Lansing
        in the region. Though much of the media attention in    program, please visit
        the recent election focused on the high-profile races at   leadership-lansing. u
        the top of the ballot, it is the local units of government
        that provide services that have the greatest impact on
        our everyday lives.                                           Does your community
                                                                             feel scattered?
        The elected officials talked about how they got involved
        in local government, their largest challenges, how
        they work together across political and geographic                           15   16   17
        boundary lines and how the loss of civility in politics              13  14                18  19
        and society is impacting efforts to shape good public             12                               20
        policy. Panelists included Robert Showers, chair of
        the Clinton County Board of Commissioners, Delta               11                                    21
        Township Trustee, Fonda Brewer, and Lansing City             10
        Council member Jeffrey Brown. The panel was skillfully                                                22
        moderated by Steven Japinga, Senior Vice President           9                                       23
        for Public Affairs at the Lansing Regional Chamber           8
        of Commerce.                                                                                        24
                                                                       7                                 25
        In keeping with the government theme of the                       6
        November program, the Leadership Lansing cohort                      5               1        27
        enjoyed a tour of the State Capitol including the                        4   3    2    31     28
        recently opened welcome center, Heritage Hall. The                                       30
        cohort got a glimpse of Governor Gretchen Whitmer                                             29
        conducting a media interview.
                                                                    Connect the dots with strategic storytelling
        Participants also enjoyed the opportunity to receive
        training asking powerful questions, designed to
        help develop their skills as a coach-leader. The day
        ended with the cohort breaking into project teams to
        determine the topic of their group presentations that       Community-Building Creative
        will be made in April. The presentations will focus on

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