Page 6 - LRCC December 2024 Focus
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December 2024
12/5 Thursday, Dec. 5, from 11: 30 a.m. 12/10 Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
to 1:30 p.m. Red Cedar Lodge
Lansing Center Get ready to celebrate the holiday season in
Join us for an inspiring afternoon at the ATHENA style at the December Member Mixer hosted
Lansing Celebration on Thursday, Dec. 5, from 11:30 a.m. at Red Cedar Lodge. Join us for an evening of festive
to 1:30 p.m. at the Lansing Center! We will celebrate cheer, networking, and relationship-building!
Jane Mitchell, owner of Jungle Jane Promotions, as she Cost: This event is offered at no cost.
receives the prestigious ATHENA Leadership Award. We'll
shine a spotlight on Jacqueline Taylor, owner of Little LRCC ALL BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE
Dreamers Daycare Center, as the distinguished 2025 12/11 Wednesday, Dec. 11, from 9 to 10 a.m.
ATHENA PowerLink recipient. Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
Cost: Tickets are $60 for LRCC members and $90 for Join us for the LRCC ALL Business
future LRCC members. Roundtable, our year-end gathering that
brings together all our monthly roundtables—Delta
FIRST FRIDAY LRCC PUBLIC Township-Eaton County, Lansing-Delhi Township, East
12/6 AFFAIRS CALL UPDATE Lansing-Meridian Township, and Clinton County. This
Friday, Dec. 6, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. December, we'll unite at the Lansing Regional Chamber
ZOOM of Commerce to reflect on our collective progress, share
Join us every first Friday of the month for an insights from across the region, and discuss key issues
insightful briefing on policy and political developments impacting our business communities.
impacting the business community. Hosted by LRCC Cost: There is no cost to attend.
Public Affairs Senior Vice President, Steve Japinga,
these monthly calls are designed to keep our members BUSINESS EDUCATION SERIES:
informed and engaged. 12/17 AVOID PEAKS & VALLEYS IN YOUR
Cost: There is no cost to attend. SALES FUNNEL
Tuesday, Dec. 17, from 10 to 11: 30 a.m.
POLICY & REGULATORY SERIES: Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
12/9 LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW Every business owner prefers a referral to a cold lead.
UPDATE – PAID SICK LEAVE & Referrals have a basis of trust and understanding
MINIMUM WAGE UPDATE that makes the sales process simpler to execute and
Monday, Dec. 9, from 10 to 11 a.m. winning easier to achieve. Referrals can’t be generated
ZOOM intentionally however, right? Wrong! Led by Ian
The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Policy and Richardson, BBA, CSAP, MCSA, Principal Consultant,
Regulatory Education Series provides members with Fox & Crow Group LLC & Managing Partner, Richardson
opportunities to hear from experts on specific policy & Richardson Consulting, LLC, attendees will learn how
and regulatory issues that may impact businesses at to structure an intentional referral generation pipeline
the federal, state or local level of government. Attorneys from their existing clients while minimizing the risk of
from Foster Swift will provide employment and labor client churn.
law updates pertaining to changes to paid sick leave and Cost: This event is offered at no cost to LRCC members
minimum wage. and $25 for future LRCC members.
Cost: There is no cost to attend.
12/10 Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 11:30 a.m. DEI CHALLENGES AND BEST
to 1:30 p.m. PRACTICES
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center Thursday, Dec. 19, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
The December Lansing Economic Club Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
will feature a panel discussion focused on Join us for a power-packed session for Managers,
the future of mobility, specifically the advancements Directors, and Executives who want to elevate services
and transformative changes within the electric vehicle to a new level from developing a diverse, inclusive,
(EV) sector. culturally competent workforce. Facilitated by, Chanel
Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost for Lansing Economic
Club members, $55 for LRCC members, and $75 for future Continued on page 7
LRCC members.