Page 23 - LRCC December 2023 FOCUS
P. 23                                                                            ATHENA WIN

        ATHENA WIN: The Power of Community and Connection

        By: Leslie Batchelor, ATHENA WIN Board Chair, Director of Health and Equity and Community Partnerships,
        Sparrow Health System

               s leaders, business owners and supporters of the                    to the Lansing Regional Chamber
               Lansing region, the end of the year is a natural                    of Commerce and the community
        Atime for reflection. A time to celebrate successes,                       we’ve built with our members, board
        acknowledge challenges, and to seek opportunities to                       of directors, sponsors and committee
        grow and improve. As business leaders, business owners                     volunteers. We are deeply grateful
        and supporters of the Lansing region, taking time to                       to the Chamber for recognizing the
        reflect means taking time to recognize the power of                        value of a strong, local women’s
        community and connection.                                                  leadership organization and
                                                                                   providing the support to make
        ATHENA Women’s Interest Network (WIN) has                                  our engine run. We know that the
        enjoyed a tremendously successful year of growth        Batchelor          time and talents of our board and
        and opportunity. We’ve gained new members from a                           committee volunteers along with
        diverse range of organizations. We’ve added new events   the participation of an engaged membership creates
        and seen record attendance. And we’ve elevated our      the powerful community we call ATHENA. Truly, we are
        professional development offerings with valuable in-    stronger together than we could ever be alone.
        person learning opportunities. We have been intentional
        in our programming. Whether it’s our Girls Night Out,   As 2023 comes to a close and we embark upon a new
        Professional Growth and Development series, or annual   year ahead, we encourage you to get to know ATHENA
        Evening of Empowerment – morning or evening, small      WIN. Join us as a member organization, event participant,
        gathering to large event, formal agenda or informal     sponsor, or committee member – so that you too can
        structure – we have something for everyone.             experience the power of community and connection.

        In our time of reflection, we know that this success    For more information, visit
        would not have been possible without our connection     athenawin. l

            During ATHENA WIN’s November Professional Growth & Development program, Gina Lisenby, founder of
            Revelation Road, emphasized building a resilience plan to stay grounded and confident in yourself. She also
            emphasized the importance of resourcefulness, mindset, and connection in driving continuous change,
            promoting equity, and fostering innovation. Although we may face unknown or uncertain circumstances
            that are beyond our control, we always have the power to control our reactions towards them. Your journey is
            unique and valuable. In the words of Gina Lisenby, “Everyone is on a journey, and every journey matters."

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