Page 13 - LRCC January 2022 Focus
Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Celebrates
Small Business Saturday with Local Small Businesses
he Lansing Regional Chamber “It was so important for us more than ever to
of Commerce (LRCC) was honored participate in the Small Business Saturday
Tto support the small business campaign as more than 80% of our
community in the tri-county region chamber membership is comprised of
for Small Business Saturday on small businesses with 15 employees
Nov. 28, 2021. or less,” said Rahl. “Our small
business owners and entrepreneurs
Created in 2010 by American Express, are the lifeblood and soul of our
the annual observance occurs community and we were proud to
the Saturday after Thanksgiving support them through partnerships
and supports small businesses like Small Business Saturday.”
nationwide to make a local and
positive economic impact during the The LRCC supports Small Business
holiday season. Saturday as a “Neighborhood
Champion,” which provided the
“This year’s Small Business Saturday looked vastly organization with kits to distribute to
different from years past,” said Michelle Rahl, vice a handful of businesses. The kit consisted of
president of member engagement, LRCC. “The COVID-19 branded materials, such as a banner and tote bag to
pandemic has severely impacted our local small businesses. drive traffic on Nov. 28. The businesses that received
We thank all shoppers who did the bulk of their holiday the kits from the LRCC include:
shopping locally and not only supported our region’s
businesses but keeping those dollars in our communities.” • Moneyball – Okemos
• Kellie’s Consignments – Okemos
Shopping small is making a difference and making an • Dusty’s Cellar – Okemos
impact throughout our community. Sixty-two percent • Peanut Shop – Downtown Lansing
of U.S. small businesses reported that they need to see • Kositchek’s – Downtown Lansing
consumer spending return to pre-COVID levels by the • Preuss Pets – Old Town Lansing
end of 2021 to stay in business. The LRCC encouraged • Bradly’s Home and Garden – Old Town Lansing
residents to visit local and independently-owned stores • Playmakers – East Lansing
– particularly those with ‘Shop Small’ branding –to • Country Stitches – East Lansing
purchase various goods and services. • Capitol Discount – Lansing l