Page 27 - LRCC August 2022 Focus
P. 27                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

                                             Returning for its 11th year from July   with innovative commercial and
                                             11-22, the PBS Short Film Festival was   residential real estate solutions.
                                             back with an annual virtual showcase   Following the sale, the Gillespie
                                             of independent films from featured    Group selected Martin Commercial
                                             filmmakers across the country. This   Properties as the exclusive listing
                                             year, WKAR’s Nicole Zaremba, director   agent to lease the property at 3645 E.
                                             and producer for WKAR-TV, had a       Jolly Road, Lansing.
        Major League Baseball Hall of Famer   short film entered in the showcase.
        and Lansing native John Smoltz was   With this year’s theme Stories that   Infusion Associates, a leading
        in town in late June to break ground   Stick, the PBS Short Film Festival   provider of medically prescribed
        on the Strikeout Baseball project.   highlighted the impact of powerful    outpatient infusion and injection
        The baseball stadium will be located   storytelling. The featured films covered   therapies in the Midwest, has
        at Ferris Park in downtown Lansing,   topics such as race, social injustice,   opened its 10th infusion clinic in East
        adjacent to Beacon Soccer Field.     religion, family, environment, public   Lansing, Michigan at 830 West Lake
        Strikeout Baseball is a conceptual   policy, and love.                     Lansing Road. The newly refinished
        baseball facility that allows players                                      site is specifically designed for
        to pitch, hit, and field in a miniature   MSU Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU)   immunocompromised patients and
        stadium environment. Learn more      and Michigan State Athletics have     has 17 infusion chairs and four private
        about Strikeout Baseball by visiting   announced a naming entitlement for   rooms, and gives patients access        the club and suite areas inside Spartan   to comfortable reclining chairs, TV
                                             Stadium and Munn Ice Arena. The       entertainment, high speed internet,
                                             10-year agreement will change the     and more.
                                             names of the areas to the MSUFCU
                                             Club and Suites. The MSUFCU Club,     Triterra, a Michigan-based
                                             located on the fourth floor of Spartan   environmental consulting firm, is
                                             Stadium, offers a host of amenities   pleased to announce the opening
                                             designed to provide fans with the     of their Grand Rapids Office. Triterra
                                             ultimate game-day experience,         has opened their third office location
        MSU Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU)    including complimentary food and      at 625 Kenmoor Avenue SE, Ste. 204
        was pleased to welcome community     beverage services. The air conditioned   in Grand Rapids. Triterra’s corporate
        members to their Juntos Avanzamos    and heat-equipped club area is 18,500   office location will remain in Lansing,
        accreditation celebration event      square feet with comfortable living   and they also have an Alma, Michigan
        on June, 22. MSUFCU earned the       room style furniture, multiple TVs,   office location.
        Juntos Avanzamos designation         private restrooms, and elevator access.
        for its commitment to serving and                                          As Michigan became the 14th
        empowering the Hispanic community.   Construction has begun on a new $4    state in the U.S. to mandate
        As a Juntos Avanzamos credit union,   million, facility that will serve student   financial education at the high
        MSUFCU employs bilingual and         organizations in the Michigan State   school level with the passing of
        culturally competent employees and   University College of Engineering.    HB 5190, Consumers Credit Union
        leaders; accepts alternative forms of ID;   The William A. Demmer Engineering   is broadening efforts to share
        and treats all members with respect   Center will provide an on-campus     even more high-quality financial
        regardless of immigration status.    facility for registered student       education, including an exciting
                                             organizations to do everything from   partnership with Grand Rapids-based
        The Xavier DeGroat Autism            work on the Formula SAE and Solar     non-profit Young Money Finances
        Foundation (XDAF) has established    Team cars to inventing the next       (YMF). A financial education program,
        catering at the DeGroat Autism       generation of hands-on student        YMF facilitates learning to kids ages
        Grill which was set-up during the    organizations.                        11-17 by teaching real-life money
        entire day at the “Celebrate Meridian                                      management skills. Built upon four
        Festival” on Saturday, June 25, outside   Michigan Association of Retired   core pillars, send, save, share and
        in the parking lot of the Meridian   School Personnel (MARSP) has          invest, YMF is helping today’s kids
        Mall in Central Park. In addition, the   sold their former headquarters    prepare for a successful financial
        Foundation featured XDAF Exhibits    building in Lansing to the Gillespie   future. This summer, YMF is holding
        with many activities and functions   Group in a transaction facilitated by   three camps in Grand Rapids. For
        including an awards ceremony         Martin Commercial Properties, a       three weeks, each camp will meet
        involving many community advocates,   leading privately-owned real estate   four times a week, for two hours each
        games such as putt-putt golf action   services and development company.    day as youth learn about money in
        and fireworks. XDAF is a proud sponsor   The Gillespie Group specializes   ways that could change the course of
        for Meridian Township.               in transforming communities           their lives. l

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