Page 18 - LRCC December 2022 Focus
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Dorothy E. Maxwell: 2022 ATHENA Leadership Award Recipient

        Distinction from the American Society
        for Talent Development. Maxwell is
        among the rare triple-awardees of
        the Lansing Regional Chamber of
        Commerce, having been recognized
        with the 2003 Outstanding Small
        Business Award, 2006 Community
        Service Award, and now the 2022
        ATHENA Leadership Award.

        Maxwell is very proud of her role as a
        mother and wife. She says many of her                                                                         Nat Lentz/Tandem Studios/FirstLast Media
        most noteworthy community endeavors
        happened after her daughters, Terrion
        and Kier, were in college. She proudly
        notes that her daughters are women
        who have achieved well in their
        respective educational, professional, and
        family lives. Maxwell and her husband,
        Bob, have enjoyed their personal and professional lives   to young women is to get prepared for whatever they
        together. The couple were long-time owners of Robert’s   seek in life.
        Elegant Attire and Gems & Jewels Fine Jewelry, for
        which they received the Outstanding Small Business     “Be clear with yourself who you are and what you really
        recognition from the Chamber.                           want,” said Maxwell. “Then, be prepared to pursue your
                                                                dream. Go after opportunities as they come, and be
        Maxwell continues enjoying the opportunity to mentor    willing to seek opportunities that aren’t necessarily
        numerous women throughout her career. Her advice        easy for you. Do not be discouraged easily.”

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