Page 26 - LRCC December 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  DECEMBER 2022

        such as the Mayo Clinic and the      owned, community-based health         ranked practice areas, with three more
        University of Michigan Health.       plan.                                 for their Grand Rapids office. Overall,
                                                                                   Foster Swift is regionally ranked in 41
        The Arts Council of Greater Lansing   Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis &      practice areas.
        is pleased to announce its FY2023    Gotting, PC, trusted advisors to
        fall grantees. Greater Lansing area   Michigan businesses of all sizes, has   PROMOTIONS
        artists and arts organizations will   been recognized in the 2023 edition
        receive funding totaling $30,500 to   of U.S. News – Best Lawyers  “Best                    Origami
        conduct community arts projects,     Law Firms” as a Tier 1 firm for five                   Rehabilitation
        engage area youth, and receive       practice areas, Tier 2 for five practice               is pleased to
        professional development that will   areas and Tier 3 for two practice areas                announce the
        support the work of the organizations   in Lansing.                                         promotion of
        they serve. MACC POD Minigrants                                                             Michael Hagen
        awarded to the following recipients:   Sparrow has once again achieved                      from care
        Maria Luz Arambula of Ballet Maria   a national benchmark in quality                        coordinator
        Luz; Amber Sheerin of Michigan       care for mothers and babies after                      supervisor to
        Library Association. MACC Arts       being recognized as Mid-Michigan’s    Hagen            outpatient
        Project Minigrants were awarded to   only Baby-Friendly  Hospital. The                      program
        the following recipients: Meridian   designation means Sparrow’s           manager. In his 20 years at Origami,
        Community Band; Pure Winds;          leading-edge medicine and highly      he’s served in many capacities,
        REO Town Commercial Association.     skilled physicians and caregivers     including direct support professional,
        Young Creatives Grant was awarded    are improving health outcomes for     care coordinator, care coordinator
        to the following recipients: All-Of-Us-  mothers and babies. E.W. Sparrow   supervisor, and his current role,
        Express Children’s Theatre; Ballet   Hospital is one of only 13 hospitals   outpatient program manager. Hagen
        Maria Luz; Lansing Art Gallery;      in Michigan and among 598 in the      is a Certified Case Manager (CCM),
        Lansing Symphony Orchestra;          entire country to hold the Baby-      Certified Brain Injury Specialists
        MSU Community Music School;          Friendly designation. Sparrow first   (CBIS), and a Certified Scrum Master
        Pass-It-On Community Center;         received the honor in 2015.           (CSM). In his new role, he will oversee
        REACH Studio Art Center. Artist                                            Outpatient Program effectiveness and
        in the Community was awarded to                        Amanda Oboza,       more.
        the following recipients: Jacqueline                   communications
        Carroll; Tracie Davis; Debbie                          director of the     BOARDS OF DIRECTORS
        Fehrenbach; Rosalie Petrouske.                         Greater Lansing
                                                               Association of      Katrina N. Hofstetter, Attorney at
        McLaren Greater Lansing is proud                       REALTORS , is       Law and owner of Cornerstone
        to announce that the new hospital                      being honored       Legal PLLC, was appointed as a new
        project won a National Award of Merit                  by the NATIONAL     board member for TWIGS (To Work In
        in the Healthcare Facilities category                  ASSOCIATION OF      Grateful Service), a local nonprofit that
        from the Design-Build Institute of   Oboza             REALTORS  with      offers valuable personal services to
        America (DBIA). The McLaren Greater                    the REALTOR         cancer patients.
        Lansing hospital project was one of   association Certified Executive
        three healthcare projects from across   (RCE) designation, which recognizes   PEOPLE NEWS
        the country to win this award.       exceptional efforts made by REALTOR
                                             association executives. Oboza is one   Dalina A. Perdomo Álvarez, curatorial
        DISTINCTIONS                         of over 548 REALTOR  association      assistant at the MSU Broad Art
                                             executives, 19 in the State of Michigan,   Museum, is the new Association of
        Physicians Health Plan (PHP)         who have achieved this mark of        Academic Museums and Galleries’
        announced it has earned a Medicare   excellence. Local and state association   (AAMG) Michigan state representative.
        quality rating of 4.5 Stars (out of   executives who hold the RCE
        5) from the Centers for Medicare     designation represent REALTORS  in    COMPANY NEWS
        & Medicaid Services. The rating      49 states/territories.
        means members enrolled in PHP                                              MSU Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU)
        Medicare Advantage plans — PHP       The law firm of Foster Swift Collins   announced an innovative new
        Advantage, Sparrow Advantage,        & Smith, PC is included in the 2023   partnership with Flow Networks,
        Covenant Advantage, and University   U.S. News – Best Lawyers  “Best Law   creator of the Flow Platform that
        of Michigan Health Advantage —       Firms” list. The firm is rated a Tier 1   enables market-leading financial
        have access to high-quality Medicare   law firm in 16 practice areas, with   institutions to grow their customers’
        Advantage plans offered by a locally-  the Lansing office receiving 13 Tier 1   point of purchase activity and solve

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