Page 20 - LRCC June 2021 Focus
P. 20


                                        BATTLES THE TALENT GAP

        work across multiple industry sectors. Employers are still trying to sort out   being able to work remotely can address what they
        how much of their operations can and should be handled by remote workers.  are looking for culturally in the workplace.”

        “I think it is going to be a long experiment,” said Farrell. “Nobody knows   An emphasis on working remotely could also
        what the right answer is. It’s a complex situation that leaders of organizations   become a recruiting advantage for the region
        are evaluating intently right now. I think we’re all trying to strike the right   as it bids against the rest of the country for
        balance of optimizing our ability to attract and retain talent while keeping   outstanding talent. After the recent State of the
        company culture and performance strong. While there’s a range of options,   Region Report pointed to the need for Greater
        I think most companies are looking at some form of a hybrid onsite/remote   Lansing to grow its population and also grow
        model for the future.”                                             the size of its private sector, Bob Trezise, CEO
                                                                           of LEAP said that a regional strategy of actively
        “With nearly every search we do the question comes up whether the position   recruiting remote workers could be a competitive
        allows for the flexibility of working from home at least part of the time,” said   advantage.  Lansing’s  advantage  of  affordability   Trezise
        Surline. “People who have done it during the pandemic have modified their work   and minimal traffic hassles combined with the
        habits and although there are some that don’t like it we see the majority liking it.”  ability to work remotely could be a difference maker.

        “We were starting to see the trend of remote work in many sectors pre-COVID,   “That  plus  our  big-city  entertainment  options  could  be  more  and  more
        particularly in IT,” said Rosingana. “Different sectors are now looking at this and   attractive to remote workers,” said Trezise. “People can work for a company
        asking how to make this viable, and are continuing to explore remote work as an   in Silicon Valley or Austin, Texas and do it while living in Greater Lansing.
        option for talent going forward. Job seekers, particularly the younger generation   Remote workers are going to be a big part of our economic development
        are looking for that flexibility. They place a high value on work life balance and   package.”




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        20   FOCUS / JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LANSINGCHAMBER.ORG  21
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