Page 21 - LRCC FOCUS August 2021
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Seven talented local entrepreneurs pitched at the Business Certified designation. Edge provides
Lansing Economic Area Partnership’s (LEAP) professional services for local, state, and nationwide
June 10 virtual Hatching event, the quarterly pitch clients.
competition’s second event of 2021. June’s pitch
lineup included an innovative take on business cards Sparrow Clinton Hospital
and networking, a picnic-focused event service, a recently recognized Angie
community event, and social media consulting Hufnagel, BSN, RN, CEN, as
startup, a downtown bakery and sweet shop, a its Nurse of the Year. Hufnagel
business focused on supporting aspiring home plant embarked on her nursing
owners, and an adult-focused dance studio offering career as a St. Johns Regional
a variety of ways to “exercise on accident” through Educational Service Agency
dance. The top prize went to current LEAP One Hufnagel student, moving to a patient
and All participant Yolanda Pope’s The Dignified access clerk, and entering the
Aging Project. This startup hopes to improve social emergency department as a patient care technician.
determinants of racial and ethnic health inequities After completing her licensed practical nurse and
through community education and evidence-based advancing to registered nurse, she began working in
interventions for the aging population. the Sparrow Clinton emergency services department.
CASE Credit Union was named an Outstanding
Credit Union of the Year by the Michigan Credit
Union League. The award was announced during
the 2021 joint awards ceremony with the Michigan
Credit Union Foundation. The Outstanding Credit
Union of the Year recognizes a credit union for
outstanding contributions with member services and
community engagement. CASE Credit Union took
top honors for a medium-sized asset.
Sparrow clinical leaders bestowed a special trophy to
Michigan State University men’s basketball coach,
Tom Izzo to thank him for his motivational support
during the depths of the pandemic. The leaders
delivered a mock NCAA championship trophy,
created by the daughter of a Sparrow caregiver,
for the 2020 tournament that Michigan State
University would have won had the tourney not be
cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus. The Sparrow Sparrow Hospital nurse, Catherine Velaquez (center) displays her DAISY
group also thanked Coach Izzo for taking time to Award for Extraordinary Nurses. She’s joined by Unit Manager, Leslie Rush
give pep talks to caregivers during the depths of the (left) and Chief Nursing Officer, Amy Brown (right).
pandemic, bolstering their spirits during a difficult
period that no one anticipated. Sparrow Hospital’s Catherine Velaquez, RN,
was honored with the prestigious DAISY Award
Equanimity Wealth Management (EWM) of for the extraordinary care she provided to a
From financial security Okemos was recently recognized as an inaugural patient facing the end of his life and wanted to
to a helping hand, the 2021 Impact Award winner from dozens of Carson be baptized. Velaquez took the time to honor this
patient’s last request and arranged his baptism
Group partner firms based on its 2020 charitable
EXPERIENCE contributions and community support. EWM team with Sparrow’s pastoral care assistance. She
MATTERS. members were able to select a charity of their choice then spent time with the patient reading letters
to receive a special donation in their honor, including
written by family members. Catherine has been
Mid-Michigan Recovery Services, Hospice of a Sparrow Hospital nurse for four years, having
Find a local agent who can Lansing Stoneleigh Residence, Spartan Marching spent the past year delivering exceptional care in
protect what matters to you. Band Jacket Fund, New Hope Rescue, and Sparrow’s Medical Stepdown Unit.
Laingsburg Educational Advancement Foundation.
Sparrow has received major national recognition
Small businesses positively impact Michigan as one of the top hospitals for treating heart attack
communities and bolster the state’s economy, and patients. Sparrow has been given the American
Edge Partnerships contributes to this impact College of Cardiology’s NCDR Chest Pain – MI
every day. In recognition of the importance of Registry Gold Performance Achievement Award.
small business, the Small Business Association It’s one of only 60 hospitals nationwide to receive the
of Michigan recently awarded the Lansing-based honor. The award recognizes Sparrow’s commitment
public relations and marketing agency its Small and success in implementing a higher standard