Page 13 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
P. 13                                                             DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION

        Local Business/Real Estate Developer Joel Ferguson’s

        Success Story Entered Into Library of Congress

              he nation's largest African American video oral   up in a neighborhood where we all had one thing in
              history archival institution traveled to Lansing   common: nothing. We all had nothing, and that's why
        Tin March to conduct a five-hour interview with         it's so important that I never forget where I came from.
        Joel Ferguson of Ferguson Development. Joel and his     I hope to continue giving back and inspiring others for
        long list of accomplishments are extremely impressive.   as long as I can – being able to help others is why I do
        Still, not many people know the full story of how he    what I do."
        played several key roles
        and influenced many
        business and political
        decisions along the
        way, ultimately resulting
        in positive change for
        future generations. As
        one of Michigan's most
        successful African
        American entrepreneurs,
        Joel has paved the path
        for so many others and is
        still very passionate about
        helping people in any way
        that he can.

        "HistoryMakers is
        committed to preserving
        and making widely
        accessible the untold
        personal stories of well-
        known and unsung
        African Americans.
        HistoryMakers enlightens,
        entertains, and educates
        the public, helping to refashion a more inclusive record   Since its inception, HistoryMakers, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
        of American history," said Julieanna L. Richardson,     headquartered in Chicago, has grown to become the
        founder and CEO of HistoryMakers.                       nation's largest African American video oral history
                                                                archive. With education as its mission, this one-of-a-
        Businessman and developer, Joel Ferguson was born       kind collection is housed permanently at the Library
        in 1938 to Josephine and Rollin Ferguson of Lansing,    of Congress. It provides an unprecedented and
        Michigan. He quickly became a business trailblazer      irreplaceable physical and online record of African
        as he was elected to the Lansing City Council in 1967,   American lives, accomplishments, and contributions
        and was the youngest and first African American         through unique first-person testimony.
        elected. Ferguson's real estate development properties
        now house the majority of Lansing residents, and he     To date, the HistoryMakers Digital Archive is available
        has four multi-million-dollar developments being        to 160 colleges, universities (Harvard, Yale, Princeton,
        built throughout Michigan. Ferguson was recently        Stanford, MSU, Howard, Spelman, Morehouse, Ohio
        celebrated at a star-studded gala held at Michigan      State, University of Oregon, etc.), K-12 schools, and
        State University (MSU) Stadium. His friends, family, and   public libraries (Chicago, New York, Cleveland, Houston,
        peers shared inspiring stories of him as they honored   Los Angeles, etc.) for educational use by faculty,
        his work as the longest-serving MSU Board of Trustees   students, and patrons. The HistoryMakers Digital
        member.                                                 Archive will explain who we are as Americans, where we
                                                                have come from, and where we are going as a nation
        Joel Ferguson shared his thoughts about the interview,   now and well into the future.
        "I'm just happy they found my story interesting enough
        that they wanted to include it in history archives. I grew   For more information, visit l

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