Page 19 - LRCC May 2022 Focus
DLI Leaders Host “State of Downtown” Event
owntown Lansing, Inc. (DLI) recently presented million funding request for programming to support
bold calls for action at its “State of Downtown” local businesses.
Devent at the Knapp’s Center. • Comprehensive Market Analysis and Priority
Planning Process: DLI has been awarded funding
During the event, community leaders, property owners, to lead a research-based planning effort for the
small businesses and residents gathered to share their downtown central business district. LandUse USA,
ideas and concerns surrounding downtown Lansing’s CIB Planning and SmithGroup, have been selected as
recovery. DLI also shared information on the vision, the team of experts to lead this process.
development and planning efforts needed for downtown • Stakeholder Call to Action: DLI invited all groups
Lansing’s future. and individuals who are interested in helping lead
downtown Lansing’s recovery efforts to join DLI’s
“March marks exactly two years since the COVID-19 stakeholder group.
pandemic shuttered the world around us,” said Cathleen
Edgerly, executive director of DLI. “During those 24 “Success — a reinvented downtown that offers more of a
months, the downtown Lansing environment has 24/7 experience will take innovative thinking and doing
drastically changed, with the number of daytime workers and relentless and meticulous follow-through to bring
dramatically reduced, office leases being canceled left the community’s vision to life,” said Edgerly. “It’s time for
and right, and small businesses struggling. But with action. It’s time for all those who care about the future
great challenges come great opportunities. We now of our downtown — and of our city as a whole — to
have a golden opportunity to rebound beyond our come together and do the work needed to create the
previous position as we plan, reimagine, and rebuild our downtown experience that we all know that we deserve.”
downtown community from the ground up.”
Lansing Mayor Andy Schor said a strong downtown is
Edgerly and the DLI Board of Directors outlined the essential to the future of the entire Lansing region.
following calls to action and announcements during
the address: “Lansing continues to grow, and a vibrant, exciting
downtown is part of our plan to emerge from the
• DLI’s Strategic Action Goals: Working together, we pandemic stronger than ever,” said Schor. “From retail,
can support a stronger downtown which includes dining, and entertainment options to more housing, we
addressing vacancy rates downtown, adding are working to make downtown Lansing an incredible
vital small business support funding programs place to live, work, and play. Residents and visitors alike
and support, creating more shared spaces for need to see a strong, thriving downtown. The City of
entrepreneurs, and prioritizing improvements to Lansing and Downtown Lansing, Inc. will continue to
community spaces. push for both public and private investments to keep our
• COVID-19 Impact: Overview of the devastating long- economy strong.”
term impacts that COVID and state office closures
continue to have on the downtown district and Ashlee Willis, DLI board president, concurred, saying,
Lansing’s local economy. "Collaboration is power. It will take leaders, businesses,
• Funding Support: Lansing city leadership asked state and the community working together to create and keep
policymakers to act urgently and approve DLI’s $5 a strong downtown for all of us." l