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                                                                          from vision to reality

                      The piezo-electric sensor VIBRACOAX

                       n Small dimensions,
                                                                                                    P  P
                                                                                                    P (Pressure)(Pressure)(Pressure)
                       n Strong construction
                          and environment pro-
                       n Long life,
                       n Self-powered,                           VIBRACOAX                        L L L
                                                                                            (l & L footprint)
                                                                                            (l & L footprint)
                       n Electrically screened -                                            (l & L footprint)
                                                           W W W W
                          will not produce inter-         (Weight))))
                          ference signals and is                                             ò ò ò?Q?Q?Q
                          unaffected by external                                         (Charges)
                          electrical noise,
                       n Simple to install both in
                          bare or encapsulated                                                t t t
                          form,                                l l l l                     (time)
                       n Will work in all ambient
                          conditions and tem-
                          peratures ranging           The piezo-electric materials is  Road traffic
                                                      also pyroelectric, i.e. it gen-
                          from -20°C (-4°F) up to     erates   electrical  charges   This sensor can be used in
                          +70°C (+158°) without       when temperature varies.       virtually any type of road-
                          alteration of the output                                   way, on its own or combined
                          signal.                     In general, the mechanical     with any other kind of detec-
                                                      and thermal time constants
                                                      of the VIBRACOAX® are very
                       VIBRACOAX® cable is a min-     different and both phenome-    When associated with rele-
                                                                                     vant electronic device and
                       eral insulated coaxial cable   non cannot be mixed up.        equipment, this sensor offers
                       with the sheath made of a      Since the materials used for   many applications in the
                       copper tube, which contains    the VIBRACOAX® cable are       open road and urban traffic
                       a polarized compressed pie-    metallic and ceramic, they     control as well as for the pro-
                       zoelectric ceramic powder      can withstand extremely ag-    tection of bridges and car-
                       with a copper core running     gressive media for a long time.   riageways by :
                       through the center.            Principle of operation
                       It  is  manufactured    using                                 • Vehicle   classification  by
                                                                                       counting and weighing in-
                       swaging and drawing tech-      In the field of traffic control   dividual axles,
                       niques. At the end of the      and analysis, particularly for
                       drawing process, the piezo-    weigh-in-motion, the use of a   • Gauging width of vehicles,
                       electric  ceramic   particles   VIBRACOAX®      allows    to   • Load distribution,
                       have to be polarized in order   measure the stresses gener-
                       that all the indiv idual signals,   ated by the vehicle axles   • Vehicle distribution,
                                                      onto the road.
                       originating in each single
                  Data subject to alteration without notice   able  signal  between  the   a VIBRACOAX® sensor, it cre-  • Weigh-In-Motion,
                                                                                     • Vehicle discrimination,
                       crystal builds up to a measur-
                                                      When a wheel is passing over
                       core and the sheath of the
                                                                                     • Speed measurement,
                       cable. This signal is then
                                                      which is transformed into elec-
                       measured by an adapted
                                                                                     • Monitoring traffic volume
                                                      trical charges (Q) by the ce-
                       electronic circuit.
                                                                                       per carriageway.
                                                      ramic piezo-electric material.
                            Sales : 40 Bd Henri Sellier - F 92156 SURESNES Cedex - Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 38 80 50  -  Fax :+33 (0)1 41 38 80 58
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                                Head Office : Planquivon - F 61430 ATHIS DE L’ORNE France - THERMOCOAX S.A.S. au capital de 457 500 € –
                                              RCS CONDE s/NOIREAU B 323 459 925  -  N° TVA / VAT Nr : CEE FR 32 323 459 92
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