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     from vision to reality

      VIBRACOAX® - a simple, versatile effective sensor

       The   piezo-electric  VIBRA-   VIBRACOAX®      sensors  are   Counting
       COAX® cable is in fact a cy-   available in two classes :     n Flexible VIBRACOAX  -
       lindrical  condensator   and                                    Ø 1.5 mm - Class 2
       when the piezo-electric ma-    Class 1 (sensitivity dis-      n can be used directly on
       terial is disturbed (by flexing  persion : ± 7 %):              the surface of the road
       the cable, compressing it or   very uniform in performance    n maximum length : 30 m
       applying vibration, etc.), a   and very sensitive, making
       potential is developed be-     them ideal for WIM (Weigh-     Counting  - Speed -
       tween the sheath and the       In-Motion) applications.       Classification
       central wire (electrical repre-
       senting a capacitor) which is   Class 2 (sensitivity dis-     n Rigid VIBRACOAX  -  Ø
       directly proportional to the   persion : ± 20 %):               3 mm - Class 1 or 2
       extent of the disturbance.                                    n Weigh-in-Motion (Class 1)
                                      more cost-effective, yet sen-  n automatic vehicle classifi-
       Bare sensors                                                    cation (class 2)
                                      sitive enough to be excellent
       These sensors are used for     for the axle-detection func-   n maximum length : 30 m
       the counting or speed meas-    tion in both WIM and AVC       Counting - Classificati-
       urements and WIM. They are     (Automatic Vehicle Classifi-   on - Weigh-In-
       constituted   by   a   piezo-  cation).                       Motion
       electric cable and a flexible
       prolongation cable assem-                                     nRigid VIBRACOAX - Ø
       bled by an undismountable                                       6 or 8 mm - Class 1
       connection.                                                   neasy to install directly into
                                                                       the road,
       On request                                                    nweigh-in-motion, high sensi-

       VIBRACOAX® sensors could                                        tivity, small dispersion,
       be encapsulated for installa-                                 nmaximum length : 4 m
       tion into the pavements.
                                                                      Other area of applications:
                                                                      Surveillance and
       VIBRACOAX  for road and
       traffic analysis                                               •Aeroplane load measure-
       Speed and Length of vehicle
       Speed and Length of vehicle                                    •Surface pressure variation,
                                                                      •Control of utilisation rate,
                                                                           •Pedestrian crossing sur-
                                                                           •Bank safe room surveil-
             Class 2
             Class 2        Class          Class                       lance,
             Class 2
            AVR / ATR
            AVR / ATR        1 1 1          1 1 1
            AVR / ATR
     Halte                                                            •No Man's Land trespassing,
    Péage                   WIM            WIM
                                                                      •Protection of personnel work-
        Load distribution             Part of road most used           ing around
        Load distribution
                                      Part of road most used
                                                                       an hazardous machine tool,
                                                                      •Vibration measurement in        Data subject to alteration without notice
                                                                       ground, at sea,
                                                                      •Measurement of
                                                                       shock waves.
             Sales : 40 Bd Henri Sellier - F 92156 SURESNES Cedex - Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 38 80 50  -  Fax :+33 (0)1 41 38 80 58
                             http : //   -   e-mail:
                Head Office : Planquivon - F 61430 ATHIS DE L’ORNE France - THERMOCOAX S.A.S. au capital de 457 500 € –
                              RCS CONDE s/NOIREAU B 323 459 925  -  N° TVA / VAT Nr : CEE FR 32 323 459 92
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