Page 8 - Trading #101 Course – Part One: Trading Basics
P. 8


               Table 1.1 Pros and Cons of Being a Day Trader and Being a Position Trader

                               Day Traders                       Position Traders
                               They close all positions out to   They hold positions overnight
                               cash at night and use intraday    and use longer time frame
                               time frame charts like the two-   charts like the daily, weekly, and
                               minute and five-minute. Trades    monthly. Trades can last a day,
                               can last from minutes to hours.   a week, or months at a time.
                               Pros             Cons             Pros             Cons
                               Have no          Cannot           Can capitalize   Have exposure
                               exposure to      capitalize on    on overnight     to overnight
                               overnight risk   overnight risk   risk             risk because
                               because all      opportunities;   opportunities.   trades can be
                               trades are       all trades are                    held for weeks
                               closed out       closed out                        or months at a
                               each night.      each night.                       time.

                               Can have a       Pay more in      Pay less in      Have to have a
                               smaller trading  commissions      commissions      larger trading
                               account size     because day      because          account size to
                               since risk       traders place    position         accommodate
                               distance         more trades      traders place    overnight risk.
                               between entry    than position    fewer trades
                               and stop-loss    traders do.      than day
                               exit is smaller.                  traders do.
                               Place more       Day trading      Position         Place fewer
                               trades than      requires more  trading is often  trades than
                               position         skill and        considered the  day traders, so
                               traders, so      experience to    best time        it takes a
                               they gain more  be profitable     frame for new    longer amount
                               experience in a  due to the       and novice       of time for
                               shorter period   advanced         traders          them to gain
                               of time.         psychology       because there    experience.
                                                required to      is more time to
                                                manage fast-     psychologically
                                                paced wins       process wins
                                                and losses.      and losses.

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