Page 2 - Psychology Course Workbook
P. 2

Study Session #1 – Video #1 “Introduction”:


                   1) All course materials are online and consist of videos, and printable materials.  Nothing needs to
                       be shipped to you.  Access to all course materials is via the web using the link and instructions
                       you received with your “Order Confirmation” email.
                   2) Don’t lose your username and password.  We recommend you print your order confirmation
                       email that has this important information.
                   3) Familiarize yourself with the Psychology Online Home-Study Course main webpage.  Know how
                       to find your study materials.
                   4) Your study materials are housed in a secure Araloc viewer.  All PDF files in the Araloc viewer can
                       be printed but not copied.  You will need to exit any screen capturing software that may be
                       open on your computer (like snag-it, etc.).  Your Araloc viewer uses a different username and
                       password then what you used to access the secure psychology online course webpage at the
             ® website.
                   5) Your Araloc “Username” is your email address.
                   6) Your Araloc “Password” is the same as your webpage access “Username”
                   7) PDF files in the Araloc viewer can be printed.  Print this “Workbook” & “The Sunrise Trading
                       Journal” at the very least.
                   8) After viewing Video #1, you can begin writing in your “Sunrise Trading Journal”
                   9) Copies of the slide presentation are also in the “Study Manual”.
                   10) Read the “Study Manual” at any time to supplement the course videos.
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